: :Finding books in French at the Marriott Library: :


French-language resources in the circulating collections

The general circulating collections of the Marriott Library include over 36,000 titles in French:  

  • plays, essays, poems, short stories, novels
  • literary history, biography and criticism
  • history and culture of the French-speaking world
  • many other subject areas
  • children's books

Once you have done a search in our catalog, one of the facets on the right side of the screen is Language.  If you click on French, most of your results should be in that language, but titles translated from French (into English, for example) will also show up.  Please feel free to contact me if you aren't able to find what you're looking for.

Call numbers for literature, history and culture

Browsing the shelves of a library can lead to serendipitous discoveries.  But even with browsing it can help to have an idea of where particular subjects are located.  The following lists will give the browsers among you a place to start.

Books on French as a language (philology, grammar, syntax, dictionaries) will be found in compact shelving on the east side of Level 1, between the call numbers PC2001 and PC3761, with most French-English dictionaries at PC2640.

French literature and the literature of the larger French-speaking world will be found between the call numbers PQ1 and PQ3999, also in compact shelving on Level 1, as follows:

France PQ1-PQ3807

Belgium PQ3810-PQ3858

Switzerland PQ3870-PQ3887

Canada PQ3900-PQ3919.3

United States PQ3920-PQ3939

West Indies PQ3940-PQ3949.3

South America, Mexico and Central America PQ3950-PQ3950.3

Asia PQ3960-PQ3979.3

Africa PQ3980-PQ3989.3

Oceania PQ3990-PQ3999

(You can explore this in much greater detail at http://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCC/PQ-text.pdf.)

The corresponding call numbers for the history and culture of these countries are found on the east side of Level 2:

France DC1-DC801

Belgium DH401-DH811

Monaco DC941-DC947

Switzerland DQ1-DQ851

Canada F1001-F1145.2

French Guiana F2441-F2471

French West Indies F2151

Haiti F1912-F1930

West Indies F1601-F1629

Bénin DT541-DT541.9

Burkina Faso DT555-DT555.9

Burundi DT450.5-DT450.95

Cameroon DT561-DT581

Central African Republic DT546.3-DT546.39

Chad DT546.4-DT546.49

Democratic Republic of the Congo DT641-DT665

Gabon DT546.1-DT546.19

Guinea DT543-DT543.9

Ivory Coast DT545-DT545.9

Madagascar DT469.M21-DT469.M38

Mali DT551-DT551.9

Niger DT547-DT547.9

Republic of the Congo DT546.2-DT546.29

Senegal DT549-DT549.9

Togo DT582-DT582.9

Children's books

To find children's books in French in our catalog:

  • do a subject search (from the Advanced Search page) for "French language materials" -- be sure to include the quotation marks
  • narrow your results using the Collection facet, on the right side of the screen when looking at search results in the catalog:  clicking on Juvenile Collection (or Marriott Reserve) will restrict the display to items in that collection, both of which are found on Level 3
  • to see only the bilingual books, add "bilingual" to your search ("French language materials bilingual")
  • you can also consult the spreadsheet below, keeping in mind that results in the catalog will always be more up to date


For assistance

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Robert Behra
Faculty Services Coordinator
Collections and Scholarly Communication
J. Willard Marriott Library
The University of Utah
295 S 1500 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860

Office: 2110K
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library