Concept/Mind Mapping: Application to the Disciplines

This library guide provides resources for the why and how of concept mapping.

Concept Mapping and Research

Concept Mapping and the Social Sciences

Social Sciences

Article: Concept mapping and accounting education

Article: Concept Mapping in Economics and Finance  

Concept Mapping in the Humanities

Article: Concept mapping and the English and Young ESL students

You-Tube Video: Using concept mapping to start researh for a term paper

Concept Mapping and the Fine Arts

Presentation: Concept mapping in the arts, a tutorial from RISD

Concept Mapping and the Sciences

Assessment Website: Concept Mapping in the Geo-Sciences

Article: Scoring Concept Maps

Slide show: Concept mapping & science

Article: Concept mapping in math teaching

Concept Maps that Go Beyond Course Content


Examples of Course Concept Maps

TJ's examples of concepts maps created for a non-profit course that are housed on the IHMC Cmap Server:

Concept Maps created in The Introduction to Concept Mapping TLT Session

The Concept Maps below were created collaborately during an introductory workshop on Concept Mapping. More coming soon!

Just for Fun Concept Maps

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