Advanced Research in the Sciences: Scholarly Research

Scholarly Research

Use these resources to identify journal articles and other scholarly sources.

You will get a citation (author, title, source, date) and often an abstract--a short summary. Most of these databases either provide or link to the full text. Excellent starting points are:

The following resources are only available to U of U students, faculty, and staff.

Starters (Books/Links)

These books are available in the
Knowledge Commons (Level 2)
Oxford English Dictionary
PE 1625. O87
American Heritage College
PE 1628 .A6227
Oxford American Thesaurus
of Current English
Webster's New World Dictionary
and Thesaurus
  PE 1628 .W56314
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
(17th edition)  PN 6081. B27 2002
The OWL at Purdue
Harvard College Writing Center
Elements of Style (1918)
(4th Edition) PE 1408. S772 2000
Norton Field Guide to Writing
Style: The Basics of Clarity
and Grace
PE 1421. W5455
Academic Writing for Graduate
PE 1408. S7836 2004
University Writing Center

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library