Advanced Research in the Sciences: Scholarly Research
Scholarly Research
Use these resources to identify journal articles and other scholarly sources.
You will get a citation (author, title, source, date) and often an abstract--a short summary. Most of these databases either provide or link to the full text. Excellent starting points are:
Scopus Largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. You will find Scopus tutorials at the URL Engineering Village Access to Compendex, Inspec, NTIS, CRCENGnetBASE, USPTO, Esp@cenet, and Scirus. You will find training information and tutorials on Engineering Village at the URL SciFinder Scholar SciFinder Scholar is your link to the wealth of substance information and chemical literature in CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) databases. That includes over 16 million journal articles, patents and other documents and more than 24 million substance records in the CAS Chemical Registry database. You will find tutorials and information about SciFinder Scholar at the URL BIOSIS Previews Large index to primary research literature in the life sciences including medical research, traditional biological research (botany, zoology, physiology, genetics and ecology), interdisciplinary research (biochemistry, biomedicine, and biotechnology) and related areas (instrumentation and methods). You may find a searching helpguide at the URL PubMed 19 million citations covering medicine, nursing, allied health, exercise science, sports medicine, physical therapy, physiology, and kinesiology. You will find tutorials and training information for PubMed at the URL Academic Search Premier Full-text of 4600 scholarly journals. You will find tutorials for Academic Search Premier at the URL Cochrane Library Evidence-based medicine (EBM) resources including a database of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. You will find information and tutorials on the Chocrane Library at the URL Google Scholar Another way to search for scholarly literature. Online Journals Journals subscribed by the libraries at the University of Utah Resources available by uNID on campus. Available off campus to current University of Utah students, staff, and faculty.
- Search either the University Libraries Catalog or the Online Journals by journal title to see which library carries the journal. If not available, you may request a copy through Interlibrary Loans (
- Access varies depending on your location and status.
- Personalized help is available at the Library Service Desks.
The following resources are only available to U of U students, faculty, and staff.
- Annual ReviewsPublishes authoritative reviews in 40 disciplines with the sciences.
- Dissertations & Theses: Full TexProQuest Digital Dissertations provides full text access to virtually all North American Universities Dissertations published from 1997 and forward, and citations only to dissertations before that date.
- KnovelProvides access to over a thousand full text titles in science and engineering areas ranging from adhesives to semiconductors and from several dozen publishers
- PsycINFOCovers psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines such as medicine, physiology, psychiatry, nursing, and pharmacology
- Web of ScienceOnline version of Web of Science. Available only on computers in the Marriott Library (aka as ISI Citation Indexes). Prior to 2002, use the print editions of these indexes which are available in the ARC at the Marriott Library. Scopus is the most up-to-date and comprehensive citation index available
Starters (Books/Links)
These books are available in the Knowledge Commons (Level 2) |
Oxford English Dictionary PE 1625. O87 |
American Heritage College Dictionary PE 1628 .A6227 |
Oxford American Thesaurus of Current English |
Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus PE 1628 .W56314 |
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (17th edition) PN 6081. B27 2002 |
The OWL at Purdue |
Harvard College Writing Center |
Elements of Style (1918) (4th Edition) PE 1408. S772 2000 |
Norton Field Guide to Writing |
Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace PE 1421. W5455 |
Academic Writing for Graduate Students PE 1408. S7836 2004 |
University Writing Center |