Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg, whose goal is to provide the European Union with statistics that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Their database contains a variety of information, including emissions, employment, demographics, economics, and geographic data for many of the EU's member nations.
The Social Science Premium Collection provides access to databases covering all areas of social sciences including international literature in politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education.
Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of research literature and patents. The database is updated daily; Scopus contains over 93 million records with over 87 million records since 1970. Scopus indexes over 26,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 7,000 publishers, including over 6,000 open access journals. Scopus also indexes nearly 200 trade publications, nearly 150,000 conferences, and over 300,000 books. Additionally, the database contains over 48 million patent records from US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and UK Intellectual Property Office.
This database provides access to the electronic editions of local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers as well as full-text content of many international sources. Access World News focuses on local and regional news from Africa, Asia, Europe, the former Soviet Union, Pacific Rim, Central and South America and the Middle East. It covers a variety of local and international developments related to industry, politics, economics, science & technology, sports, culture and business.
This database provides access to the electronic editions of local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers as well as full-text content of many international sources. Access World News focuses on local and regional news from Africa, Asia, Europe, the former Soviet Union, Pacific Rim, Central and South America and the Middle East. It covers a variety of local and international developments related to industry, politics, economics, science & technology, sports, culture and business.
Proquest's Continental Europe database provides active full text to scientific periodicals locally published by publishers and academic institutions in various European countries. The main topics of interest represented in the database are economics, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and the humanities.
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis with an intuitive interface that offers discovery across all content types.
The OECD Economic Outlook is produced twice a year and covers major trends and forces that may shape short-term economic prospects. It provides a set of projections for output, employment, prices, fiscal and current account balances, as well as coverage of the economic policy measures which the OECD predicts will foster growth and stable prices in each Member country. This database is used by the OECD's Economics Department in producing the Outlook and contains the information used to make th…
The OECD Economic Outlook is produced twice a year and covers major trends and forces that may shape short-term economic prospects. It provides a set of projections for output, employment, prices, fiscal and current account balances, as well as coverage of the economic policy measures which the OECD predicts will foster growth and stable prices in each Member country. This database is used by the OECD's Economics Department in producing the Outlook and contains the information used to make the projections listed above. The database is updated twice a year after the May and November releases of the OECD Economic Outlook's preliminary editions.
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Using this link from off-campus will route your session through our proxy server, and thus ensure that links within Google Scholar work with our resources when available. In order to retrieve full text articles you will need to set your preferences. To do this, go to the upper right hand side of the Google Scholar Page (next to sign in) and click on 'Settings'. Click on the 'Library Links' option in the left-hand sidebar, and then type 'University of Utah' in the text field. Hit enter and select the options for the University of Utah which appear below the text field. Hit 'Save' at the bottom right of the page, and you will then be ready to start using Google Scholar.