MEDLINE EBSCO is a medical database that will allow you to find up-to-date research about nutrition. MEDLINE is a bibliographic database of life sciences and biomedical information. It includes bibliographic information for articles from academic journals covering medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health care. The database contains more than 21.5 million records from over 5,500 selected publications covering biomedicine and health from 1950 to the present.
1. Go to the library homepage at and click on the Databases under the Search box.
2. Click on the letter M.
3. Scroll down to MEDLINE (EBSCO) and click on it.
4. In the new page, click on the MeSH 2020 link in the upper left corner. MeSH stands for Medical Subject Headings, and is the standardized set of descriptors used by the National Library of Medicine. Enter your search term on the below box and click on the Browse. Remember, this is the equivalent of searching a thesaurus, so you may need to search multiple words or synonyms to find the exact descriptor you need.
5. Once you click on the checkbox next to a term, it is automatically added to the search terms box on the right side of the page. You can choose whether to search for both terms using AND or either term using OR. Continue repeating steps 7 and 8 (of this guide) until you have added all of the terms you want to search, and then click on the green Search Database tab.
6. To search for additional terms, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Browse Additional Terms link.
7. Then, you can search for additional terms in the Medical Subject Headings that you want to add to your search.
8. When you click next to the term you would like to add to the search, it is automatically added under the Search Database button on the right side of the screen. You can choose whether to search for both terms using AND or either term using OR. Continue repeating steps 7 and 8 until you have added all of the terms you want to search, and then click on the green Search Database tab.
9. The database search engine will retrieve a list of results.Use the limiters on the left side of the screen to narrow down your results. Use the Publication Date slider bar to narrow down to items published in the last ten years. Choose only Academic Journals under Source Type. You can also use the Major Heading facet to narrow down to items that have the terms you check as major subjects in the article.
10. Click on the title of any item to see the abstract. You also can click on PDF Full Text to download the full text.
11. If the PDF full text was not available, search for the journal title in the catalog. We may have the journal in print. If we do not, click on the Interlibrary Loan link to request the item from another library.
12. To save articles into EndNote, start on your results page. Click on the blue folder with a plus sign next to each of the articles whose citations you would like to save.
13. When you saved all of the articles you want to export, go to the top right corner of the page and click on the Folder icon.
14. Click on the Export button on the right side of the page.
15. Make sure you have your EndNote Basic Account open. Then, click on the radio button next to Direct Export to EndNote Web and click Save.
16. If the import works, you will see a screen in your EndNote web letting you know that records have been imported.
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