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Read-and-Publish Agreements

Get more information on transformative license agreements negotiated by U of U librarians

Researchers, Librarians, Publishers Working Together Towards an Open Access Future

Brief Overview

A read-and-publish journal license allows for researchers to both read articles from a journal as well as publish their articles on an open-access basis. It’s a response to the ever-growing preference for online and open access (OA) to research. The no-cost OA option right now at the U of U is self-archiving via USpace. But librarians have recently been able to negotiate this type of license with some publishers (listed on the left). And this type of license means that the library can support both reading and publishing.

U of U Open Access Agreements

Future Agreements

We continue to explore agreements that best mirror the publishing choices and habits of University of Utah authors as a whole and that make the most sense financially. 

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library