This guide provides an overview of how to research the securities law through the SEC website and is provided as a service to investors and members of the public. It is not a legal interpretation or statement of SEC policy.
Checkpoint Edge (RIA Tax Information) contains multiple databases of primary tax documents and secondary analysis for the areas of federal, state & local taxation, as well as estate planning, pensions & benefits, international taxation, and payroll taxation. Contents include the full text of tax legistation dating back to 1996, current code and code histories back to 1990, regulations, and IRS administrative rulings and releases. All Checkpoint databases have unlimited users except for AICPA & FAS…
Checkpoint (RIA Tax Information) contains multiple databases of primary tax documents and secondary analysis for the areas of federal, state & local taxation, as well as estate planning, pensions & benefits, international taxation, and payroll taxation. Contents include the full text of tax legistation dating back to 1996, current code and code histories back to 1990, regulations, and IRS administrative rulings and releases. All Checkpoint databases have unlimited users except for AICPA & FASB, which have 2 concurrent campus users each. If you are using AICPA or FASB, please remember to logout when you are finished - other users may not be able to access those databases unless you do.
This database provides access to a variety of federal and state tax information. Subjects covered in the database include state and federal tax cases and rulings, tax reviews, international tax, accounting and audit, financial planning and estate planning. Also included are a collection of practice, organization and citation tools.
Includes the full text for more than 2,300 journals. Full-text results are provided back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. This database covers many business disciplines, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Additional full-text, non-journal content includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses.
This database provides access to licensed content from Dow Jones journalists, media outlets, trade and consumer publications and business Web sites. Factiva also contains in-depth company, executive and industry profiles, expert analysis, market data and other reports.
This database contains a variety of industry reports including risk reports, industry summaries, market research, market conditions and forecasts, supply chain information, and competition data. Items can be viewed online or downloaded for offline use.
This database contains searchable data for more than 10,000 companies on the NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq exchanges. All financials are provided as reported and include information on balance sheets, income statements, expenditures, assets, liabilities, cash flow, performance trends, and more.