Most research databases include a Find It icon in your search results to discover full text options:
Clicking on the Find It icon will direct you to full-text article options. When off campus, you’ll be prompted to log in with your uNID.
Note: If no full-text from U Libraries, then “Request an Article” via ILLiad, our Interlibrary Loan services. Log in with uNID.
More options for off-campus access to the University of Utah Network:
a) Library EZproxy or b) the VPN: Get the VPN
Log in with uNID when prompted.
The tools listed below can also be used to find full text available on campus:
Set up Google Scholar to get full text through the University of Utah:
Set up PubMed to get full text through the University of Utah:
Request articles or books via interlibrary loan and we'll get it for you.