Disability Studies: Databases and Internet Resources
This guide shows holdings of the University of Utah libraries related to disability, as well as additional information about best practices for working with patrons with disabilities.
Since Disability Studies is a cross-disciplinary topic, perusing many different database may be helpful. Some good places to start are listed below.
- Academic Search Ultimate This link opens in a new windowA multi-disciplinary database which offers information in many areas of academic study, Academic Search Ultimate focuses on a range of subjects including biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, psychology, religion/theology, and more. Academic Search Ultimate indexes more than 17,000 periodicals and includes full-text articles from more than 10,000 journals, nearly 6,800 more journals than Academic Search Premier. Academic Search Ultimate was acquired primarily for its full-text journal articles in science, engineering, and health sciences.
- APA E-Booksis database provides access to the APA eBook Collection, which includes APA books grouped by individual copyright year from 2008 to 2013 (copyright year is sometimes different from calendar year, and therefore the collection does include some titles released in 2007). The APA eBooks encompass content in psychology and related disciplines, including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, neuroscience, and physiology, among others. Coverage within each collection is limited to scholarly and professional titles, and does not include other APA products (like style guides, for instance).
- CINAHLThe Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) database contains more than 200,000 citations from 1983 to present with abstracts to articles published in more than 650 English-language nursing and allied health journals as well as virtually all publications of the American Nurses' Association and the National League for Nursing. The database also includes the pre-CINAHL file, which makes current awareness items available while they are in the process of being added to the main CINAHL file.
- Cochrane LibraryThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of information on healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews contains systematic reviews in health care, including all Cochrane Reviews (and protocols) prepared by Cochrane Review Groups in The Cochrane Collaboration. The Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) contains abstracts of systematic reviews that have been quality-assessed. Each abstract includes a summary of the review together with a critical commentary about the overall quality.
- Family and Society Studies WorldwideFamily & Society Studies Worldwide (FSSW) provides coverage of research, policy, and practice literature in the fields of Family Science, Human Ecology, Human Development, and Social Welfare. FSSW is an anthology of four database files which contain more than 1.3 million records.
- Google ScholarUsing this link from off-campus will route your session through our proxy server, and thus ensure that links within Google Scholar work with our resources when available. In order to retrieve full text articles you will need to set your preferences. To do this, go to the upper right hand side of the Google Scholar Page (next to sign in) and click on 'Settings'. Click on the 'Library Links' option in the left-hand sidebar, and then type 'University of Utah' in the text field. Hit enter and select the options for the University of Utah which appear below the text field. Hit 'Save' at the bottom right of the page, and you will then be ready to start using Google Scholar.
- PsycINFOhis database contains citations and summaries from various journals and books which cover psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines, including sociology, education, business, economics, and law. Journal coverage includes international material selected from more than 1,300 periodicals written in over 30 languages. The collection includes citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, technical reports, citations for dissertations, and some full-text articles.
- PubMedPubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 22 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full-text articles and other related resources.
- Sociological AbstractsThis database abstracts and indexes international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The collection contains abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,800 publications, and provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers. Records published by Sociological Abstracts in print during the database's first 11 years (1952-1962) have been added to the database. Many records from journals in sociology added to the database since 2002 also include the references cited in the bibliography of the source article. Each individual reference may have links to an abstract and/or to other papers that cite that reference.
Subject Guide
Lorelei Rutledge
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Subjects: Accessibility, Accounting, Bibliometrics, Business, Communication Sciences & Disorders, Entrepreneurship & Strategy, Gender Studies, Grants, Impact Factor, Information Systems, LEAP, Library Staff Guides, Management, Marketing, MBA Resources, Operations & Information Systems, Social Sciences, Test Preparation