HIST 3910: Disease & Medicine in History from the 19th Century to Today: Resources at the University of Utah
A brief subject guide to supplement scholarship and research related to the History of the Health Sciences
Course Materials
University Resources
- History of Medicine Subject GuideCheck the database list!
- Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences LibraryThe Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library is the primary resource for current and emergent health sciences research and information on the University of Utah campus.
- History of Science, Technology, and MedicineThis database covers journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history of science, technology, and medicine and allied historical fields.
- Academic Search Ultimate This link opens in a new windowA multi-disciplinary database which offers information in many areas of academic study, Academic Search Ultimate focuses on a range of subjects including biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, psychology, religion/theology, and more. Academic Search Ultimate indexes more than 17,000 periodicals and includes full-text articles from more than 10,000 journals, nearly 6,800 more journals than Academic Search Premier. Academic Search Ultimate was acquired primarily for its full-text journal articles in science, engineering, and health sciences.
- PubMed This link opens in a new windowPubMed comprises more than 36 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text. Updated daily. Coverage may go back to 1940s and older. Trouble accessing full text? Click here for a video tutorial on how to sign in using MyNCBI and link Outside Tool to EHSL.
Relevant Journals
- Bulletin of the History of MedicineIt is the official publication of the American Association for the History of Medicine and of the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine. The journal covers social, emotional, cultural, and scientific aspects of the history of medicine and includes critical reviews of recent literature in the field. Baltimore.
- IsisIsis, a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by University of Chicago Press, focuses on the history of science, history of medicine, and the history of technology, as well as on their cultural influences. It features both original research articles and extensive book reviews and review essays. Chicago.
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied SciencesThe Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal that was originally published by the Department of the History of Medicine at Yale University and now is continued by Oxford University Press. It covers research on the history of medicine and was established in 1946. Oxford.
- Social History of MedicinePublished work on all aspects of health, illness, and medical treatment in the past. Oxford.