: :Finding books in Spanish at the Marriott Library: :
Spanish-language resources in the circulating collections
The general circulating collections of the Marriott Library include over 36,000 titles in Spanish:
- plays, essays, poems, short stories, novels
- literary history, biography and criticism
- history and culture of the Spanish-speaking world
- many other subject areas
- children's books
Once you have done a search in our catalog, one of the facets on the right side of the screen is Language. If you click on Spanish, most of your results should be in that language, but titles translated from Spanish (into English, for example) will also show up. Please feel free to contact me if you aren't able to find what you're looking for.
Call numbers for literature, history and culture
Browsing the shelves of a library can lead to serendipitous discoveries. But even with browsing it can help to have an idea of where particular subjects are located. The following lists will give the browsers among you a place to start.
Books on Spanish as a language (philology, grammar, syntax, dictionaries) will be found in compact shelving on the east side of Level 1, between the call numbers PC4001 and PC4977, with most Spanish-English dictionaries at PC4640.
Spanish literature and the literature of Spanish-speaking countries outside of Spain will be found between the call numbers PQ6001 and PQ8929, also in compact shelving on Level 1, as follows:
Spain PQ6001-PQ7011 Mexico PQ7100-PQ7298 Cuba PQ7370-PQ7392 Dominican Republic PQ7400-PQ7409 Puerto Rico PQ7420-PQ7442 Costa Rica PQ7480-PQ7489 Guatemala PQ7490-PQ7499 Honduras PQ7500-PQ7509 Nicaragua PQ7510-PQ7519 Panama PQ7520-PQ7529 El Salvador PQ7530-PQ7539 |
Argentina PQ7600-PQ7798 Bolivia PQ7800-PQ7822 Chile PQ7900-PQ8098 Colombia PQ 8160-PQ8180 Ecuador PQ8200-PQ8220 Paraguay PQ8250-PQ8259 Peru PQ8300-PQ8498 Uruguay PQ8510-PQ8520 Venezuela PQ8530-PQ8550 Philippines PQ8700-PQ8897
(You can explore this in much greater detail at http://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCC/PQ-text.pdf, starting at page 352.)
The corresponding call numbers for the history and culture of these countries are found on the east side of Level 2:
Spain DP1-DP402 Mexico F1201-F1392 Cuba F1751-1855 Dominican Republic F1931-F1941 Puerto Rico F1951-F1973 Costa Rica F1541-F1557 Guatemala F1461-F1477 Honduras F1501-F1517 Nicaragua F1521-1537 Panama F1561-F1577 El Salvador F1481-F1497 |
Argentina F2801-F3021 Bolivia F3301-F3359 Chile F3051-F3285 Colombia F2251-F2299 Ecuador F3701-3799 Paraguay F2661-F2699 Peru F3401-F3619 Uruguay F2701-2799 Venezuela F2301-2349 Philippines DS651-DS689
Children's books
To find children's books in Spanish in our catalog:
- do a subject search (from the Advanced Search page) for "Spanish language materials" -- be sure to include the quotation marks
- narrow your results using the Collection facet, on the right side of the screen when looking at search results in the catalog: clicking on Juvenile Collection (or Marriott Reserve) will restrict the display to items in that collection, both of which are found on Level 3
- to see only the bilingual books, add "bilingual" to your search ("Spanish language materials bilingual")
- you can also consult the spreadsheet below, keeping in mind that results in the catalog will always be more up to date
For assistance
Collections and Scholarly Communication
J. Willard Marriott Library
The University of Utah
295 S 1500 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860
Office: 2110K