Using for digital exhibits: Start your exhibit
Start your exhibit
1) Go to and sign up for an account. You'll see an option to add a site to your account. Click on the button for Add a Site.
You will need to have a name, title, and site description for your new exhibits site. Fill out the form and click the Add Your New Site button at the bottom of the form:
Your site is now ready for you to customize and add your own content.
Click on manage site to see the options. site dashboard for an empty site.
When you first set up an site, there are no plugins installed to add additional functionality. Two recommended for digital exhibits are Exhibit Builder and Simple Pages. Click on the plugins link at the top to install them.
The Manage Site area also gives you the ability to change the theme, or visual appearance of your site, as well as define site navigation. Click on the name of the theme (the default is Berlin), to manage or change it.
The Configure Theme option lets you add a logo to your site, choose a header image, and add footer text.
You can also control how your item pages display, and choose to display the full image at the top of the page, instead of a thumbnail at the bottom, which is the default.