COMM 3580: Health Campaigns: Home

Planning Your Health Campaign

Here are some key questions to consider as you build your health campaign:

1. What specific health issues are you interested in? Try to fill in this sentence. I am interested in _____ in order to_________.

2. Who is your primary audience?

3. What information do you need to convince your audience to commit to your campaign?

4. Who are the key stakeholders regarding this issue?

5. What similar campaigns are around?

6. What social media campaigns do you know of that support similar issues?


Pico de gallo? Nay!  This is a commonly used acronym in the health professions to help frame research studies -and you'll find the terms pop up all over the place -and even appear in the advanced search of some databases:

POPULATION: age group, ancestry, political affiliation, religion, affected by a particular ailment -any way a group of people can self-identify is a population -and many studies use this.
INTERVENTION: what is going on? A communication campaign, a treatment, a new policy?
COMPARISON: let's compare a population where we have an intervention, with a population where we don't.
OUTCOME: how did it go?  Anything good happen? A cure? A mitigation of anxiety?


Building Your Health Campaign

Subject Guide

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Dale Larsen

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