HHS_0001 Grace Rene Ferguson and Harry Neuman Iticovici Papers, 1925-2003Grace Renee Ferguson was born in Brigham City, Utah, on February 26, 1925. A graduate of Box Elder High School (Utah), she attended the University of Utah and the University of Utah School of Medicine. Ferguson graduated from medical school in 1948. She completed a psychiatry residency at New York Hospital, New York City. Harry Neuman Iticovici was born on June 2, 1922, in Romania. He fled Romania during the rise of Hitler at the age of nineteen. He attended school in Beirut, Lebanon, before being accepted into the University of Utah School of Medicine in 1948. Ferguson and Iticovici married in New York City in 1952. Ferguson died on January 12, 2004, Iticovici on May 12, 2015.