Wall Street Journal This link opens in a new windowNOTE:User Notice: By creating a WSJ user account, you acknowledge that you are financially responsible for any claim against the WSJ arising from any User Content you create. All current students, faculty and staff have online access to the Wall Street Journal, courtesy of the University of Utah. You must first set up a Wall Street Journal online account. Step 1: Go to WSJ.com/UofUtah Step 2: Sign in to the University of Utah’s Single Sign-On web page with your University uNID and password Step 3: The first time you sign on you will be taken to a separate Wall Street Journal (WSJ) sign-in web page. a. Account Type—select your status: Student, Staff, or Professor a. Students will need to enter their anticipated graduation month and year. Please note: you can change your graduation date at a later date by reaching out to WSJ’s customer service (academicsupport@dowjones.com or 1-800-JOURNAL) b. Email Address—WSJ will allow you to use a different email address if you wish. c. Password—You have to enter a password for the Wall Street Journal account you are setting up. (Do NOT enter your University of Utah password at this step since this is not a University of Utah account.) Step 4: After the first time signing on, you will be able to sign in directly through wsj.com. After it is set up you will also be able to access this new account from the WSJ app on your phone/tablet.