Skin of Color Resources for Health Sciences Education

A collection of resources demonstrating various medical conditions on a spectrum of skin colors

Visual DX

VisualDx is a visual clinical decision support system based on visually observable symptoms. It includes images reflecting skin pigmentation across the spectrum. See examples: Images for melanoma and herpes zoster in adults. Notice the ability to filter the images by skin pigmentation.

screenshot of visual dx page for melanoma

Skin Deep

Skin Deep is an open access bank of high-quality photographs of medical conditions in a range of skin tones for use by both healthcare professionals and the public. Pediatric focus.

Skin deep logo and link

Stanford AIMI - DDI

Stanford AIMI logo and linkStanford AIMI - DDI Diverse Dermatology Images

A collection of de-identified annotated medical imaging data to foster transparent and reproducible collaborative research. The Stanford AIMI Center was established to develop, evaluate, and disseminate artificial intelligence systems to benefit patients. Find out more by visiting the AIMI website.

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