Mendeley: About Mendeley

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Other Citation Management Systems

About Mendeley

Mendeley is a free online reference management tool from Elsevier. With Mendeley, you can collect citations, generate bibliographies, and collaborate with others online. 

Mendeley has some unique features that make it a great citation manager.  It allows users to drag-and-drop PDFs into their library and it extracts the metadata for you.  It also automatically renames PDFs with the author's last name, document title, and date, to help you keep your PDFs organized.  Mendeley also provides users with the ability to highlight and annotate their PDFs.  It is desktop-based, so users are not limited by storage capacity, but it also provides limited free access to Mendeley Web so users can access and build their libraries even when they are away from their computers. 

Subject Guide

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Shane Wallace
J.W. Marriott Library
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By appointment
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library