"Researchers are discovering the critical roles that sex (being male or female) and gender identity (a term which includes social and cultural factors) play in health, wellness, and disease progression. The discoveries being made through the study of women’s health and sex differences are key to advancements in personalized medicine for both sexes." (https://orwh.od.nih.gov/about)
Health Equity Monitor (WHO)
ORWH is the first Public Health Service office dedicated specifically to promote women's health research within and beyond the NIH scientific community.
The Office of Research on Women's Health (NIH) and The Office of Women's Health (FDA) have created two online courses to provide education and information about sex and gender differences research.
Each course contains six lessons and will take about six hours to complete. CME credit may be available for successfully completing each course (more information here: http://sexandgendercourse.od.nih.gov/continuingEducation.aspx)
Try this PubMed search for Sex and Gender Differences Research. Add your search term by using AND at the end.
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