Google Maps

An introductional guide to Google Maps with skills and tips for creating geospatial projects using the software.

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What is Google Maps?

Google Maps is a free web-based mapping application provided by Google allowing you to create custom maps supported with street maps, route planning and satellite imagery.

Benefits to Using Google Maps?

  • Turn by turn directions available at the click of a button, making mobile navigation around your map simpler than ever.
  • Locate businesses by name or type within the area you are viewing.
  • View locations virtually using 360 degree imagery, giving you the experience of standing in a location yourself using Street View images powered by Google.
  • Create and share your own custom maps using My Maps (free service - requires a Google account to begin) 
  • With Google Maps, simplicity is key making this program very user friendly for users of all backgrounds.

Subject Specialist

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Justin Sorensen
Creativity & Innovation Services, GIS Services
J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
(801) 585-7349

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Subjects: Geography, GIS
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