Portuguese 4710 Spring 2014 -- Luso-Brazilian Cinema: Books in the library

Language and Literature (Books)

For those who enjoy browsing the shelves of a library hoping for a serendipitous find it can help to have an idea of where particular subjects are located.  The following lists will give the browsers among you a place to start.

Books about motion pictures will be found at the north end of Level 2, between the call numbers PN1993 and PN1999.  Books on Brazilian cinema will be found at PN1993.5.B6.

Books on Portuguese as a language (philology, grammar, syntax, dictionaries) will be found between the call numbers PC5001 and PC5498, with most Portuguese-English dictionaries at PC5333.

Portuguese literature and the literature of Portuguese-speaking countries outside of Portugal will be found between the call numbers PQ9000 and PQ9999, as follows:

Portugal PQ9000-PQ9411

  • Individual authors and works to 1500 PQ9189
  • Individual authors and works 1500-1700 PQ9191-PQ9255
  • Individual authors 1701-1960 PQ9261
  • Individual authors 1961-2000 PQ9262-PQ9288
  • Individual authors 2001-      PQ9300-PQ9326

Galiza/Galícia PQ9450-PQ9469

Brasil PQ9500-P9698

  • General works on Brazilian literature PQ9511
  • Literary history and criticism, 20th century PQ9553-PQ9555
  • Individual authors and works to 1800 PQ9696
  • Individual authors 1801-1960 PQ9697
  • Individual authors 1961-2000 PQ9698.1-PQ9698.36
  • Individual authors 2001-       PQ9698.4-PQ9698.436

Angola PQ9920-PQ9929

Moçambique PQ9930-PQ9939

Cabo Verde PQ9942

Guiné-Bissau PQ9945

São Tomé e Príncipe PQ9948

Ásia PQ9950-PQ9959


Some books of interest

Here are some books in our collection related to the general topic of this course:

Brazilian cinema, edited by Randal Johnson and Robert Stam (Austin : University of Texas Press, 1988); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 B7 1988

Popular cinema in Brazil, 1930-2001, by Stephanie Dennison and Lisa Shaw (Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2004); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 D46 2004

Enciclopédia do cinema braseileiro, edited by Fernão Pessoa Ramos and Luiz Felipe Miranda (São Paulo : Editora Senac, 2012); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 E53 2012

Gender and society in contemporary Brazilian cinema, by David William Foster (Austin : University of Texas Press, 1999); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 F67 1999

Cinema novo x 5 : masters of contemporary Brazilian film, by Randal Johnson (Austin : University of Texas Press, 1984); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 J62 1984

The film industry in Brazil : culture and state, by Randal Johnson (Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1987); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 J624 1987

Brazil on screen : cinema novo, new cinema, utopia, by Lúcia Nagib (London : I.B. Tauris, 2007); call number: PN1993.5.B6 N34 2007; also available online

The new Brazilian cinema, edited by Lúcia Nagib (London : I.B. Tauris, 2003); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 N48 2003; also available online

Prima e dopo la rivoluzione : Brasile anni '60, dal cinema nôvo al cinema marginal, edited by Marco Giusti and Marco Melani (Torino : Lindau, 1995); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 P7 1995

Brazilian national cinema, by Lisa Shaw and Stephanie Dennison (London : Routledge, 2007); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 S45 2007

Allegories of underdevelopment : aesthetics and politics in modern Brazilian cinema, by Ismail Xavier (Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1997); call number:  PN1993.5.B6 X3813 1997; also available online

Amácio Mazzaropi in the film and culture of Brazil : after cinema novo, by Eva Paulino Bueno (New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012); call number: PN2474.M44 B8413 2012

The politics of affect and emotion in contemporary Latin American cinema : Argentina, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico, by Laura Podalsky (New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011); call number:  PN1993.5.L3 P63 2011; also available online

The following books are both available online:

Brazilian women's filmmaking from dictatorship to democracy, by Leslie L. Marsh (Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2012)

Remaking Brazil : contested national identities in contemporary Brazilian cinema, by Tatiana Signorelli Heise (Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2012)

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