What databases should I search for health and kinesiology literature?
Listed below are 4 of our favorite databases for finding health and kinesiology literature (e.g. scholarly articles, conference proceedings, literature reviews).
Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of research literature and patents. The database is updated daily; Scopus contains over 93 million records with over 87 million records since 1970. Scopus indexes over 26,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 7,000 publishers, including over 6,000 open access journals. Scopus also indexes nearly 200 trade publications, nearly 150,000 conferences, and over 300,000 books. Additionally, the database contains over 48 million patent records from US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and UK Intellectual Property Office.
PubMed comprises more than 36 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text. Updated daily. Coverage may go back to 1940s and older. Trouble accessing full text? Click here for a video tutorial on how to sign in using MyNCBI and link Outside Tool to EHSL.
SPORTDiscus with Full Text is a source of full-text sports & sports medicine journals, providing more than 530 journals, with full-text coverage extending back to 1985. Some journals have coverage extending earlier. Subjects covered include biomechanics, drugs, exercise, kinesiology, movement science, nutrition, occupational health & therapy, physical fitness, physical therapy, rehabilitation, sports & exercise psychology, coaching & education, and sports medicine.
Search the world's leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the science, social sciences, and arts and humanities and navigate the full citation network. Science Citation Index Expanded (1900 - present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900 - present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975 - present), Book Citation Indexes (2005-current), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-current, supports structure searches), Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes (1990-current), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-current), and Index Chemicus (1993-current).
For published authors of monographs, please submit your request to be added to Web of Science.
Depending upon your research topic, these other databases may be useful:
The premier abstracting and indexing database covering the behavioral and social sciences from the authority in psychology. 1800 - present.
APA PsycInfo is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. It includes citations and summaries from various journals, book chapters, books, technical reports, and dissertations. Also covers related disciplines including sociology, education, business, economics, and law.
Coverage spans from 1800 - present, includes international material selected from periodicals in dozens of languages. APA PsycInfo is indexed with controlled vocabulary from APA's Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms.
CINAHL Complete is the world’s most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 5,400 journals indexed in CINAHL. Many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index contain full text with no embargo. 1937 to present.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases to inform healthcare decision-making.
- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
- Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)
- Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR)
- Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
- Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA)
- NHS Economic Evaluation Database (EED)
This listing provides access to the combined content of EBSCO's ERIC and Education Full Text databases. ERIC (The Education Resources Information Center) focuses on education literature and resources. ERIC lists citations and abstracts for over 1,000 comprehensively indexed educational and education-related journals, as well as annotated bibliographic records, including journal articles, books, research syntheses, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, and other education-relate…
This listing provides access to the combined content of EBSCO's ERIC and Education Full Text databases. ERIC (The Education Resources Information Center) focuses on education literature and resources. ERIC lists citations and abstracts for over 1,000 comprehensively indexed educational and education-related journals, as well as annotated bibliographic records, including journal articles, books, research syntheses, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, and other education-related materials. The database contains more than 1,194,000 records and links to more than 200,000 full-text documents from ERIC. Education Full Text (EFT) provides coverage of an international range of English-language periodicals, monographs and yearbooks. EFT contains the full text of articles with indexing cover to cover from hundreds of journals. Coverage includes about 79 journals (37 with full text) not covered by ERIC’s CIJE. PDF page images accompany full text articles, offering both words and images. Subjects covered by these databases include Adult Education, Arts, Athletics, Comparative Education, Competency-Based Education, Computers in Education, Continuing Education, Educational Technology, Elementary Education, Government Funding, Higher Education, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Library Science, Literacy Standards, Multicultural/Ethnic Education, Parent-Teacher Relations, Prayer in Public Schools, Preschool Education, Religious Education, School Administration, Science and Mathematics, Secondary Education, Special Education, Student Counseling, Teacher Education, Teacher Evaluation, Teaching Methods, and Vocational Education.
Embase - another crucial resource for discovering biomedical evidence within published, peer-reviewed literature, in-press publications and conference abstracts. Full-text indexing of drug, disease and medical device data - supported by Emtree - helps retrieve precise answers to search queries. Coverage is 1947 to present.
Measurement instruments for clinical conditions or treatment outcomes, HAPI features material on unpublished information-gathering tools for clinicians.
Over 2/3 of the tools are in medical and nursing areas. Produced by Behavioral Measurement Database Services. Single user access; please log off when finished. Info Sheet (pdf)
The most authoritative resource available on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary alternative and integrative therapies. Using a comprehensive methodology and reproducible grading scales, information is created that is evidence-based, consensus-based, and peer-reviewed. Formerly Natural Standard and Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.
This database provides access to market research and industry news covering many aspects of the sporting goods and sports marketing industry, including sports equipment sales, sports participation, sports broadcasting, sports sponsorship and sports marketing.
This database covers a wide range of subjects ranging from fitness and recreation to physical education, exercise science, kinesiology, sport sociology, sport psychology, and sports medicine. Sources indexed primarily include scholarly journals and limited coverage of books, conference papers, and magazines. We do subscribe to SportDiscus with Full Text which provides the full text to over 500 journals ranging from athletic training to journals published by Human Kinetics and many more.
This listing provides access to the Synthesis and Colloquium collections, which are interdisciplinary teaching and learning products covering new and emerging fields in the life sciences. The basic component of the collections is a 50 to 100-page "lecture" (a self-contained electronic book that synthesizes a research or development topic). Each lecture includes pictures, tables, and linked references to other peer reviewed articles and books. The collections and their lectures are organized b…
This listing provides access to the Synthesis and Colloquium collections, which are interdisciplinary teaching and learning products covering new and emerging fields in the life sciences. The basic component of the collections is a 50 to 100-page "lecture" (a self-contained electronic book that synthesizes a research or development topic). Each lecture includes pictures, tables, and linked references to other peer reviewed articles and books. The collections and their lectures are organized by series, with each series managed by an editor who guides the lecture topic and author selection as well as peer review. New series and lectures are added continuously and existing lectures are revised periodically. Some topics which are currently covered by this database are Biotechnology, Cell Biology of Medicine, the Developing Brain, Developmental Biology, and Integrated Systems Physiology.
What are some key journals?
Listed below are journals titles for the 5 sub-areas of research within the department of HK.
by Alfred Mowdood
Last Updated Jan 10, 2025
8 views this year
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