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Using Books
When you get to the point of your research when you need to read the interpretations of others, books--especially edited volumes--can help you to:
- Learn what specialized topics have been discussed regarding your subject
- Understand which theories and outside disciplines have been applied to your subject, such as feminist theory
Books can be very long, but you don't have to read the whole thing! Simply looking at a table of contents, an index, or chapter bibliographies can give you a lot of insight as to whether a book or chapter will be useful to you, and you can check out a book and only read one chapter.
Also be sure to browse the shelves around the books you need: you will find other relevant research!
Books in the Library
The Norton Anthology American Literature by Nina Baym (General Editor); Wayne Franklin (Editor); Philip F. Gura (Editor); Arnold Krupat (Editor); Robert S. Levine (Editor)
Call Number: PS507 .N65 2008ISBN: 9780393930566Publication Date: 2007-08-09Under Nina Baym's direction, the editors have considered afresh each selection and the entire apparatus to make the Shorter Edition an even better teaching tool for the one-semester and brief two-semester courses.Norton Anthology of Contemporary Fiction by R. V. Cassill
Call Number: PS648.S5 N67 1988ISBN: 0393956199Publication Date: 1987-11-01The Norton Anthology of Drama by J. Ellen Gainor (Editor); Stanton B. Garner (Editor); Martin Puchner (Editor)
Call Number: PN6112 .N67 2014ISBN: 9780393923414Publication Date: 2013-10-17The leading anthology of drama offers the most generous collection of major works (66 plays in all, 7 of them new) along with carefully prepared introductions, annotations, and texts. With a newly conceived illustration program focused on contemporary performance and a new color feature, "Plays in Performance," the Second Edition now brings the stage to the page more vividly than any other anthology.The Norton Anthology of English Literature by M. H. Abrams (Editor)
Call Number: PR1109 .A22 1987ISBN: 0393955621Publication Date: 1987-02-01The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature by Ilan Stavans; Edna Acosta-Belén (Editor); Harold Augenbraum (Editor); Maria Herrera-Sobek (Editor); Rolando Hinojosa (Editor); Gustavo Peacute;rez-Firmat (Editor)
Call Number: PS508.H57 N65 2011ISBN: 9780393080070Publication Date: 2010-09-13This groundbreaking Norton Anthology includes the work of 201 Latino writers from Chicano, Cuban-, Puerto Rican-, and Dominican-American traditions, as well as writing from other Spanish-speaking countries. Under the general editorship of award-winning cultural critic Ilan Stavans, The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature traces four centuries of writing, from letters to the Spanish crown by sixteenth-century conquistadors to the cutting-edge expressions of twenty-first-century cartoonistas and artists of reggaeton. In six chronological sections--Colonization, Annexation, Acculturation, Upheaval, Into the Mainstream, and Popular Traditions--it encompasses all genres, featuring such writers as Jos#65533; Mart#65533;, William Carlos Williams, Julia Alvarez, Oscar Hijuelos, Cristina Garc#65533;a, Piri Thomas, Esmeralda Santiago, and Junot D#65533;az. Twelve years in the making, The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature sheds new light on "nuestra America" through a gathering of writing unprecedented in scope and vitality.Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry by Robert O'Clair (Editor); Jahan Ramazani (Editor); Richard Ellmann (Editor)
Call Number: PS613 .N67 2003ISBN: 0393977919Publication Date: 2003-01-02Thirty years later, this innovative, cover-to-cover revision renders with fresh eyes and meticulous care the remarkable range of styles, subjects, and voices in English-language poetry. The newly titled Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry--now available in two paperback volumes--includes 1,596 poems by 195 poets (half of the poems are new), from Walt Whitman and Thomas Hardy in the late nineteenth century to Anne Carson and Sherman Alexie in the twenty-first.nbsp;The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry continues to be the most comprehensive collection of twentieth-century poetry in English. It richly represents the major figures, while also giving full voice to ethnic American poetries, experimental traditions, postcolonial poetry, and the long poem, eclipsing all other anthologies in scope, clarity, and balance.The Norton Anthology of Poetry by Margaret Ferguson (Editor); Mary Jo Salter (Editor); Jon Stallworthy (Editor); Alexander W. Allison (Editor)
Call Number: PR1174 .N6 1996ISBN: 0393968200Publication Date: 1997-01-01"Over three editions, The Norton Anthology of Poetry has become the classroom standard for the study of poetry in English. A wide and deep quarry of poems from the medieval period to the present, it is a book instructors rely on as a uniquely flexible teaching anthology, and one that students delve into well beyond college. Now, responding to new scholarship, classroom suggestions, and the vitality and diversity of poetry itself, the Fourth Edition introduces a wealth of new poets and poems as well as thoroughly revised editorial apparatus."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights ReservedThe Norton Anthology of Short Fiction by Richard Bausch (Editor); R. V. Cassill (Editor)
Call Number: PN6120.2 .N59 2006ISBN: 0393926117Publication Date: 2006-01-05The classroom standard for readers and aspiring writers of fiction, The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction offers the most comprehensive, engaging selection of classic and contemporary stories in the field.The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Volume A by Martin Puchner (Editor); Suzanne Akbari (Editor); Wiebke Denecke (Editor); Vinay Dharwadker (Editor); Barbara Fuchs (Editor); Caroline Levine (Editor)
Call Number: PN6014 .N66 2012ISBN: 9780393913293Publication Date: 2012-03-01Read by millions of students since its first publication, The Norton Anthology of World Literature remains the most-trusted anthology of world literature available. Guided by the advice of more than 500 teachers of world literature and a panel of regional specialists, the editors of the Third Edition--a completely new team of scholar-teachers--have made this respected text brand-new in all the best ways. Dozens of new selections and translations, all-new introductions and headnotes, hundreds of new illustrations, redesigned maps and timelines, and a wealth of media resources all add up to the most exciting, accessible, and teachable version of "the Norton" ever published.The Norton Anthology of World Literature is now available as an interactive ebook, at just a fraction of the print price.Postmodern American Poetry by Paul Hoover
Call Number: PS615 .P669 1994ISBN: 0393310906Publication Date: 1994-05-17Postmodern American Poetry provides a deep and wide selection-411 poems by 103 poets-of the major poets and movements of the late twentieth century. Included are the leading Beat and New York School poets, the Projectivists, and "Deep Image" poets. Included, too, is the rich array of poetry written since 1975-language and performance poetry, the work of African American, Hispanic, Asian American, gay and lesbian, and women experimentalists.In addition, a final section of poetics-with writings by Frank O'Hara, Denise Levertov, Jerome Rothenberg, Amiri Baraka, and Charles Bernstein, among others-provides valuable contexts for reading the poems.
The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism by Vincent B. Leitch; William E. Cain (Editor); Laurie Finke (Editor); Barbara Johnson (Editor); John McGowan (Editor); Jeffrey J. Williams (Editor)
Call Number: PN86 .N67 2001ISBN: 0393974294Publication Date: 2001-06-19Edited by scholars and teachers whose interests range from the history of poetics to postmodernism, from classical rhetoric to #65533;riture f#65533;minine, and from the social construction of gender to the machinery of academic superstardom, The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism promises to become the standard anthology in its field.A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature by Wilfred L. Guerin; Earle Labor; Lee Morgan; Jeanne C. Reesman; John R. Willingham
Call Number: PN81 .G8 2005ISBN: 0195160177Publication Date: 2004-12-30Now in its fifth edition, A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature has become both a standard introduction to the close reading of literature and an invaluable resource for English graduate students. It offers students and other readers a variety of ways to interpret a piece ofliterature, ranging from historical/biographical and moral/philosophical approaches through the formalist, the psychological, the mythic and archetypal, and into such contemporary perspectives as feminist criticism and cultural studies. The book applies these diverse approaches to the same sixclassic works--"To His Coy Mistress," Hamlet, Huckleberry Finn, "Young Goodman Brown," "Everyday Use," and, new to this edition, Frankenstein--showing students how various methods offer different insights and enriching their response to and understanding of the individual works. The fifth edition isenhanced by the addition of Frankenstein, a complex work that lends itself to multiple levels of interpretation and is familiar in both its cinematic and literary forms. The coverage of Frankenstein incorporates material on popular culture--discussions of various fiction, stage, film, and televisionappearances of the work--as well as several photographs. This edition also features organizational and content changes that bring the volume up-to-date with contemporary literary criticism. Offering a valuable combination of theory and practice, A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, FifthEdition, is ideal for courses in literary criticism or theory and can also be used in introduction to literature courses.Literary Criticism by Charles E. Bressler
Call Number: PN81 .B666 2007ISBN: 0131534483Publication Date: 2006-07-26Presents the eleven basic schools of twentieth-century literary theory and criticism in their historical and philosophical contexts. Unlike other introductions to literary criticism, this text explores the philosophical assumptions of each school of criticism, provides a clear methodology for writing essays according to each school's beliefs and tenets, and features accessible student-generated sample essays.
Suggested Search Terms
The books listed above are meant to give historical overviews of certain genres, time periods, and locations as well as an introduction to literary criticism.
To find books on history and criticism that are more specific to your topic, please consider using the terms below, or contact your librarian for help.
- YOUR TOPIC (Such as American literature -- 19th century) -- History and criticism
- American literature
- Characters and characteristics in literature
- Criticism
- Feminist literary criticism
- Literature, Ancient
- Literature, Experimental
- Literature, Medieval
- Literature, Modern
- You can add -- CENTURY (such as 19th century) after this term
- Literature -- Women authors
- Marxist criticism
- Popular literature
- Surrealism (Literature)
- Underground literature
This list is by no means exhaustive. Try searching for your time period or genre in USearch and checking the Subjects on the side.
- Last Updated: Feb 14, 2025 11:54 AM
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