University of Utah Library Guides
All University of Utah libraries course and research guides, in one place.

COVID-19 Expanded Content & Services

Additional online content and services available from the library during building closures

Textbooks & Open Reserve

The library building is on a phased re-opening Print Reserve service on Level 3 remains closed. We refer students to eReserve, library ebooks, HathiTrust Emergency Service, and the Campus Store for textbook access.

Electronic Course Reserve:

  1. Go to the library
  2. If off-campus, connect remotely here
  3. In the big search box, enter Course Number (e.g. MID E 1000)
  4. Select 'Course Reserve' in the pull-down menu
  5. Hit Enter for full listing of readings

Library Expands eContent

Publishers Provide Free Content for All

Online Teaching & Learning Support

Other Library Guides


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Allyson Mower, MA, MLIS
University of Utah, Marriott Library
295 South 1500 East, Room 5150E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
(801) 585-5458
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library