Research Posters and Poster Sessions: Images
Royalty Free Web Images
For the following sources of images:
- All the photos can be downloaded and used without charge.
- All the photos can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes
- All the photos can be used without permission of the photographer, although attribution would be appreciated.
- All photos can be modified
- Please do not sell or redistribute photos without a significant modification to the image.
If you do a Google Images search for whatever you want to find, you can then click on
Tools Usage Rights Labeled for Noncommercial Reuse.
This filters the results of your original search to those that are available a public domain.
Citing Images
The Library has a guide on Images and Media for Research and Presentations for you to use.
When you find an image, you want to use in your poster, first take a look around the website and see if there is a preferred way of citing the image, page or website. If the photo is from Wikipedia, then use the Cite this page feature under Tools listed in the left navigation bar. Follow the APA style.
Referencing websites
- Websites have multiple pages. If you want to site a page, you need to start the citation with the main page of the website followed by a period. This way if the page goes missing you will still have the home page. The first letter of each word is capitalized.
- For the date published scroll down to the very bottom of the page and look for the copyright notice. Websites are constantly being updated so this changes frequently. If you find no date then use (n.d.)
- Include the title of the page followed by a period. Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. This is called sentence style title.
- After the word Retrieved include the date you viewed the page; Month, Day and the 4-digit year followed by a comma.
- After the word from (notice it is lowercase) include the URL for the main page of the website. Include http:// or https:// in the URL. No punctuation is required after the URL.
Title of Website. (date published) Title of page. Retrieved date the page was retrieved, from URL for the main page of the website
NOTE: text in black is information you provide, text in red is APA format.
NOTE: there is no period after the URL.
If the photo is from Flickr or any other online source, first search for images under a Creative Commons license and select from these. These licenses usually mean the photo is for noncommercial purposes, but if you use it for noncommercial purposes, then you must reference the source. For more about Creative Commons
If the photo is from Adobe, then
Artist's Name (Type of Artist). (Year the picture was taken). Title of picture in italics [Type of art], Retrieved date the page was retrieved, from URL
Sometimes the author and/or the title is/are not known, then just use
Title of picture in italics [Type of art], Retrieved date the page was retrieved, from URL
If there is no title, then provide a description -
[Description of picture and Type of art], Retrieved date the page was retrieved, from URL