Religious Studies: Home


Individual (1 on 1) Librarian Help

Robert Nelson - The Librarian Liaison to Religious Studies students and faculty. Specialties include Islam, Eastern Rite Christianity, Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs/Nestorians, Reggae & Rastafari, Caribbean Sects.


Phone: 801-581-5228.

Dr. Leonard Chiarellit, Emeritus - Medieval and Modern Islam, Islamic Sicily, Medieval Europe


Religious Studies Major Information

Religious Studies: Department of Languages and Literature - LNCO 1411  [ Map - opens new window] 
Department Phone
: 801-585-9437

Currently, the program of study draws entirely from existing course offerings in 13 departments and programs (English, History, Communication, Philosophy, Languages & Literature, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology, Anthropology, Art & Art History, Theatre, Health Promotion & Education, and the Middle East Center) spread across five colleges (Humanities, Social & Behavioral Science, Social Work, Fine Arts, and Health). Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours divided into a 3-hour capstone senior seminar to be taken at the end of their curriculum and 5 courses selected from the four following distributions: (1) Text and Literature, (2) Theory and Methodology, (3) Art, Culture, and Society, (4) World Religions.

Greetings and Introduction

Greetings. In 2012, the Utah Board of Regents approved the creation of a Relgious Studies Major at the University of Utah. This Guide is intended to orient Students and interested users toward the Resources available at the Marriott Library pertaining to all things Religion and/or Religious.

Resources included to enable and enhance research:

  • The Usearch Online Catalog (the Marriott Library's Online Catalog/Search Engine)
  • Article Databases
  • Websites and links
  • Other Library Resources pertaining to: World Religions, Comparative Religions, Myths & Legends, Obscure Sects and Major Religions

Call Numbers for Books on Religious Topics

The Marriott Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) Classification system to organize its Bookshelves; not the Dewey Decimal System. This is a two letter Call Number scheme. The general Call Number area for Religion is the "B" Call Numbers. The Marriott Library shelves its B's in the Southeast Corner of Level 2. There are also B Call Numbers shelved in the Middle East Library on Level 3.

Marriott Library, Floor Maps

Serendipitous browsing is often the quickest way to peruse the thousands of Titles at the shelf level; rather than relying strictly on the Library Online Catalog (Usearch). Since "like" is shelved next to "like", you are able to compare and contrast among the multiplicity of Book selections.


BL - General Religion, Mythology
BM - Judaism
BP - Islam (incl. Bahaism, Black (American) Musims, Sufism etc.)
BQ - Buddhism
BR - Christianity
BS - The Bible
BT - Doctrinal Theology
BV - Practical Theology
BX - Christian Denominations (Catholics, Mormons, Nestorians, etc.)


BL Call Number Categories for Religion

The BL Call Number range includes many other religions that aren't specifically listed in the Box above. Take this list with you when you browse the Shelves on your Religious interest.

For a complex list check this Wikipedia entry:

Library of Congress BL Classification Scheme

BL 300-325 - Comparative Mythology
BL 1100-1295 - Hinduism (India)
BL 1300 - 1380 - Jainism (India)
BL 1500 - 1595 - Zoroastrianism/Parsees; Yezidis (Iran, India, Iraq)
BL 1600 - 1695 - Semitic Religions (Assyro-Babylonian, Aramaen, Sumerian, Pre-Islamic Arabia, Druze, etc.)
BL 1710 - Ethiopia
BL 1830 - 1883 - Confucianism (China)
BL 1899 - 1942 - Taoism (China)
BL 2017-2018 - Sikhism (India)
BL 2216 - 2228 - Shintoism (Japan)
BL 2230 -2240 - Korea
BL 2390 - 2440 - Africa
BL 2420 - 2460 - Egypt 
BL 2520 - 2592 - Americas (excludes Native Americans; found in the History Call Number Ranges in the E's and F's)
BL 2600 - 2630 - Pacific Islands/Oceania
BL 2670 - Arctic Regions
BL 2700 - 2790 - Rationalism

Article Databases devoted to Religion

Article Databases are the complement to the Books that the Marriott Library owns on Religious topics. The Article Databases contain Articles published in Paper and/or Electronic Journals. Thematic Databases are searchable by topics. Oftentimes the Article found, within the Database, will contain the Full Text (i.e. the entire Article as it was originally published in the Journal editions that are released; not just an Abstract or Citation). Full Text Articles can be saved for use in your Research. They will also include the Citation information for your Bibliography. 

On the Library Web Page click on the Middle Tab, at the top of the page, for Article Databases. You can select a Database by Title, (links for Letters A through Z); Type, (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Images, etc.); or you can Select a Database by Subject.

Pull down the Menu for "Select Database by Subject". Scroll til you find the entry for Religion. The Databases include a Scope Note synposis of what materials/topics are included. 

Or, you can easily click on the Links below to be taken directly to the individual Database.


Crucial "Meta" Article Databases that Contain Religious Articles

In addition to the Databases devoted to Religion, there are several important Databases that should be consulted in your Research. They can be found by Title from the Article Databases Tab on the Library Home Page.

Academic Search Premier - This is the primary Full Text Undegraduate Database. The comprehensive coverage comes from Academic Journals, Popular Media (Time, Rolling Stone, Billboard, etc.), Newspapers, Mutl-Media clips & images, etc.

Google Scholar - The non-advertorial, Academic version of Google's commercial search engine

JSTOR - This is a Database of back issues of core Journals in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences. This includes the digitized backfiles of over 1000 scholarly Journals. 

Religious Studies

Profile Photo
Robert Nelson
1075 P Marriott Library

University of Utah

295 South 1500 East DOC

Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

Tel: (801) 581-5228
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library