University of Utah Library Guides
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Middle East Studies

Scholarly and research related resources for the Middle East region.

Middle East resources call number

Call Numbers for Arabic:

  • Books on Arabic as a language (philology, grammar, syntax, dictionaries) are found between the call numbers PJ6001 and PJ7144, with most Arabic-English dictionaries at PJ6640. Arabic literature are found between the call numbers PJ7501 and PJ8517.
  • LC call numbers for Islam (faith: BP1-253) and Islamic culture & society (Islamic Culture & Society DS35.3-35.77) you can go to Arabic & Islamic Studies guide by Antje Mays:


Middle East Studies LibGuide

The Middle East Studies guide has been created to introduce the Middle East Collection and resources, which include dictionaries, encyclopedias, books, databases, guides, as well as audios, films, and other types of media.

About Aziz Atiya

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Middle East Studies program

Middle East Studies is an interdisciplinary program which offers students the opportunity to study the Middle East in depth from a variety of perspectives. The program includes instruction in the major languages (Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian) of the region, advanced training in literature and linguistics, and area studies concentrating on the history, politics, economics, religions, cultures and social institutions of the Middle East. Courses are offered through the Middle East Center in conjunction with the departments of Anthropology, Economics, History, Languages and Literature and Political Science.

U of U Middle East Center

Transliteration Charts

When searching for the Middle Eastern books, please remember to use the appropriate transliteration/Romanization scheme. Marriott Library, like North American and UK libraries, uses the ALA-LC transliteration tables of the Library of Congress.

Middle East Center and Library

The Aziz S. Atiya Library for Middle Eastern Studies, at the University of Utah, is the fifth largest institution of its kind in North America.1


1. Dr. Aziz Suryal Atiya and the Establishment of the Middle East Center and the Aziz S. Atiya Library for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Utah, an article written by Leonard Chiarelli and Mohammad Mirfakhrai. 

Aziz S. Atiya Library for Middle East Studies

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Ismaeil Hakimi
Information & Research Specialist, Middle East Collection Liaison
Marriott Library, University of Utah
295 S 1500 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Librarian Emeritus

Profile Photo
Ismaeil Hakimi
Information & Research Specialist, Middle East Collection Liaison
Marriott Library, University of Utah
295 S 1500 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library