Representation Matters! New Books in the Collection from Publishers of Color, by Authors of Color, for Everyone to Read

This guide highlights books in the J. Willard Marriott Library from publishers of color.

Kamehameha Publishing

"Kamehameha Publishing supports Kamehameha Schools’ mission by publishing and distributing Hawaiian language, culture, and community-based materials that engage learners as well as reinforce, and invigorate Hawaiian cultural vitality."

Kamehameha Schools
The School and the publishing company were made possible by directions in the will of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop. The programs still "create educational opportunities in perpetuity to improve the capability and well-being of people of Hawaiian ancestry" today. The board of trustees still includes all native Hawaiians and those of Hawaiin descent. You can see the full board of trustees here.

Genres: Hawaiian history and culture, academic, children's  

1887 Makuakāne Street
Pauahi Administration Bldg., Suite 211
Honolulu, HI 96817

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library