Scholarly Publishing and Copyright

Resources in scholarly publishing, research impact and metrics, and copyright for the health sciences community.


Author-level metrics attempt to quantify impact by analyzing citations arising from an individual author's publications.

Advantages: These metrics can give a more holistic idea of author impact by including a wide range of journals.

Disadvantages:These metrics are biased toward more prolific and more established authors. They also are not generalizable across disciplines.

Navigate research metrics

Metrics Toolkit -   understand and use citations, web metrics, and altmetrics responsibly in the evaluation of research.


Web of Science

Use Web of Science's Author Search to find all the publications by a particular author and create a Citation Report showing the author's most highly cited articles, citation trends, average citations per article and other metrics, including the h-index.


Digital Science's Dimensions Plus and Analytics a powerful tool to gain insight into activity in your research area or institution and view trends over time, for information on publications, awarded grants, patents, clinical trials, and policy documents—on a global scale.

Note: Users must create an account using their email address to access Digital Science's Dimensions Plus and Analytics.


Altmetric tracks a range of sources to capture and collate this activity, helping you to monitor and report on the attention surrounding the work you care about.

Altmetric for Researchers - Track and demonstrate the reach and influence of your work

see Tools for researchers (bookmarklet, badges and API)


Google Scholar

Google Scholar Profile

  • Keep up to date bibliography
  • Citation metrics for your publications
  • Public or private option
  • Requires a Google Account



Impact Story takes your publications, slides, code, and web posts and analyzes them based on various metrics including citations, saves, bookmarks, tweets, views, and shares. Once you have created an ORCID or Google Scholar Profile, you can easily import your publications for analysis.

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