W2010: Instructors' Guide: FAQs

Got Questions? Here are the answers!

  • I need a computer lab in the Marriott Library.  How do I reserve one?  We have a new scheduling system starting this Fall semester and you can use this system to check for availability.  To request a room reservation, send an email to mlib-scheduling@lists.utah.edu.


  • Uh-oh.  I don't know how to use the instructor's podium in the Marriott Library's classrooms.  That's ok!  We have tutorials and PDFs that will show you how to use the technology prior to using the rooms.  In addition, if you email Ron Shoger (ron.shoger@utah.edu), the Media Electronics Engineer for Classroom Support at the Marriott Library, you can ask him to meet you in the classroom before the class begins to help you get started.


  • When are the drop-in research labs?  The lab schedule is posted in the Canvas site and is available at this link.


  • Can I require my students to visit the research labs?  How will I know they've attended?  Absolutely send your students to the research labs!  This is individual, concentrated time your students will have with librarians on their topics.  If you send your students, you are giving them the message that the research element is important and we support that additionally through the drop-in research labs.  Also, you will know they've attended because we will give them a slip of attendance to present to you.


  • Can students meet with a librarian outside of these drop-in research labs?  Please encourage them to do exactly that.  They can do one of two things: (a)  They can drop into the Knowledge Commons seven days a week.  A librarian or two will be at the KC desk happy to take the time necessary to guide the student through their questions and research, and/or (b) they can schedule an appointment with a librarian through our "Ask the Library" link or through the Help form on their research guide.


  • You don't have my question listed here.  If your Q&A aren't listed here, please email shane.wallace@utah.edu and I will get an answer to you as quickly as possible.

Subject Guide

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Darby Fanning
J. Willard Marriott Library
295 S 1500 E, Office 1726B
SLC, UT 84112-0860

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library