University of Utah Library Guides
All University of Utah libraries course and research guides, in one place.

Writing 2010 Library & Research Guide

Welcome to research at the U!

Welcome to all WRTG 2010 students!                       







This research guide has been developed by your very own WRTG 2010 librarian at the Marriott Library.  My name is Darby Fanning and I can help with any of your questions.


What this research guide intends to do for you is offer a foundation for research within and outside of traditional libraries.  We have carefully developed an easy to follow curriculum that you can access at anytime to learn about or review resources that the Marriott Library owns, subscribes to, or utilizes.

Learning how to navigate the library's resources and figuring out how to use discovery tools to find materials, like the library catalog, can be a daunting task, but we aim to make it as easy and understandable as possible.

This research guide introduces you to the research process and offers you lessons to become acquainted with research skills and strategies that you will continue to develop throughout your academic career. There is so much to learn about research and how to do it well that it must be acquired little by little over time, or else you can become overwhelmed. This guide is a place where you can always return to review the tutorials when you need them.

 Follow the tabs in order from left to right to follow the sequence of the lessons.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to drop in at the Knowledge Commons desk at your convenience, or go to the HELP tab and send us a question or request a research question.

Your WRTG 2010 Librarian

Profile Photo
Darby Fanning
J. Willard Marriott Library
295 S 1500 E, Office 1726B
SLC, UT 84112-0860

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library