Master's of Business Creation

This guide has library resources for students in the Master's of Business Creation program

Need to use a Bloomberg Terminal?

Visit the second floor of the Marriott Library to access our Bloomberg Terminal. Note: This resouce is only available to those affiliated with the University of Utah.

Looking for Analyst Reports?

If you are looking for analysis of public companies and their industries, follow the links in the center pane to Value Line, which provides analysis of both companies and their industries, with a focus on company performance in the stock market. You can also find analyst reports for many public companites in Factiva. Go to Companies/Industries, enter the name or ticker symbol for the company of interest, and search. Then, click on the name of the company and look at the Analysis and Profiles section of the company report. 

Finding Information about Private Companies

The Marriott Library has databases that provide information on private and unlisted companies. However, neither of these databases are licensed for commercial use; students must only use them for noncommercial purposes. Check out Business Librarian Lorelei Rutledge's video below explaining how to find information about private companies

Finding Information on Public Companies

The Marriott Library has several databases available to help you learn more about public companies. Check out Business Librarian Lorelei Rutledge's video about how to use databases to find information about public companies below.

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library