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This guide describes how to use ATLAS.ti, a qualitative data software, to analyze research data

Running Reports and Analyzing

Now that you've coded everything, it's time to start analyzing! ATLAS.ti offers multiple methods to extract information from your corpus of coded items. 

Creating Reports

A report will be a readout of Quotations associated with your desired code(s). The easiest way to create a report is open and dock the Quotation Manager, from the Home tab, Managers group. From here, select the Quotations you want to include in your report. You can filter Quotations by Code in the left hand panel. 

Quotation Manager dialog box, codes left hand side selected effects neg: less fun and effects neg: more worries/stress/responsibility, yellow ribbon across top reads show quotations in ALL of the groups effects neg..., one quotation selected, top Quotations ribbon options include Report

Once you have your desired Quotations selected, click the Report button to the far right to generate a PDF with your selected Quotations, and other information that you specify. You can choose to include Codes, Memos, Types of Content, and more from the Report Options section. You can also group your quotations by Type of Content, Dates, or Groups you have specified. 

A Note about ALL and ANY

ATLAS.ti uses ALL and ANYinstead of the Boolean operators AND and OR. The yellow ribbon above your Quotations allows you to toggle between the two. Choosing ANY will show Quotations in either code, but ALL requires the quotation to be in both codes. 

venn diagrams showing use of all and any, all only includes the middle of the diagram, any includes the middle and each side

Code Cooccurrences

cooc explorer and cooc table buttonsOne way to analyze your research to knowing how many times certain codes co-occur in the same quotation. This is done using the Cooc Table under the Analyze tab. From here, select which codes you want as rows, and which you want as columns. You will end up with something like the table below.


code cooccurrence table, fam 1 child and gender female equals 17, fam 1 child and gender male equals 3, effects pos: fulfillment and gender female equals 1, effects pos fulfillment and gender male equals 2




Here we can see that 17 respondents who were female had one child, and 3 respondents who were male had one child. Clicking on each number will show you the Quotations that match the query in another window, and you can double click on the Quotation to display it in the Document. 

You can also see Code Cooccurrences in tree format using the Cooc Explorer. This is useful if you do not know which codes co-occur together, and you can easily view each co-occurring code in that code's tree.


Code-Document Table

The Code-Document Table allows you to compare Code frequencies across documents, thereby making conclusions about each Document. The Code-Document Table is also found under the Analyze tab. When creating this table, you can make use of Code and Document groups in your query. Your table can then be exported to Excel, plain text, or image format.


Query Tool

The Query Tool functions like traditional text queries, but with a pretty GUI overlay. Select the Codes you want to include, and how you want them to relate to one another, and see which Quotations match. Use Edit Scope to restrict your query to a specific document(s), and Boolean operators OR, AND, and NOT to build a more complex scope.

Word Frequencies

ATLAS.ti has a built-in function to generate a word cloud or a detailed list of each word with its number of occurrences. To access this feature, simply right click on a document from the left-hand panel and select Word Cloud or Word List. You can also create a Word Cloud or Word List from multiple documents, using the Document Manager. Open the Document Manager from the Home tab, select the desired documents, and repeat the above process. You can export these results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Stop Words

Stop words are common words that are removed from the count (words like "a," "am," etc.). You can choose whether to omit stop words or not when you select Word List. If there is an additional word you want omitted, select the "Remove from text before counting" checkbox and type the word into the box below. To add a stop word to a list from a Word Cloud, right click on the word and select "Add to stop word list."

Note: If you created a new project instead of importing a project bundle, you will need to create your own stop word list and point the program towards it. Try this website for stop words in many languages

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