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Engineering-LEAP | Dale Larsen: Special: Personal Narratives

YouTube OR Blogs

Open web is quick, active/reactive and mostly free.  Unfortunately, what you see on the open web can be influenced/limited by your search engine (that uses your history/cookies/location to logically push relevant content your way).  Also, anyone can publish to the web, so determining whether they're the real deal or not can be tricky.


blogs:veterans interviews
blogs:veterans stories



Magazines live both in library databases and on the open web and are typically carefully managed by an editor(s).  This means that content is focused on a particular audience (car enthusiasts, for example) and is driven by subscriptions.  The more entertaining and fun, while staying true to the enthusiasts, the more subscriptions they get.  Unfortunately, some magazines keep the level of reader interest up by over generalizing and writing to a lower level of focus (as compared to scholarly works) since they appeal to a broader audience.


example of a keyword string
veteran AND
(culture OR identity OR stories OR narrative)


magazines:veterans interviews
magazines:veterans stories

Scholarship & Academic

Scholarly journals are very reliable because of a dedication to evidence-based research and due to strict publication standards that check all content to make sure it properly reflects an entire field of study.  They are very focused, and based on high-levels of expertise -so no watered down messages here.  Drawbacks include the long time it takes to perform research and then publish in a peer-reviewed journal (you wouldn't want to get today's news via scholarship), and the cost of subscriptions is substantial, making academic libraries essential.

Links: > Research Databases (tab)  

example of a keyword string
veteran AND
(culture OR identity OR stories OR narrative)


Open source scholarly journals on open web

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to discuss the major advantages & drawbacks between open web, magazine, and scholarly sources.
  • Students will learn how to synthesize information using basic qualitative methods.
  • Students will learn how (and why) to incorporate feedback from peers, peer-advisors, faculty and librarian and revise their work.

(Information creation as a process)"…information is produced to convey a message, be shared, and discussed...  ...research and knowledge building require iterative (rules & methods that are repeatable) processes of researching, creating and revision." 

(Social Development Theories of Len Vygotsky) "...the activities and texts produced within the group as a whole will help shape how each person behaves within that group. A person's cognitive development will also be influenced by the culture that he or she is involved in, such as the language, history and social context."

“Social Constructivism.” Wikipedia, 1 Nov. 2018. Wikipedia,
Van Arnhem, Jolanda-Pieta, and Jannette L. Finch. “What Is an Annotated Bibliography and WHY Should I Do One?” Framing Information Literacy: Teaching Grounded in Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice, vol. 4, Association of College and Research Libraries, 2018, pp. 347–66.
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library