Art (Studio Art)

A guide to recommended and specialized resources AND research information for Studio Art students.


Manila Envelope / Reeding Lessons / Photo available on Flickr 

Bibliography & Citation Tools

Yes, the process of citing your sources is tedious, but it is VERY IMPORTANT. Why, you ask?

  1. Citing your information sources acknowledges the origin of your information.
  2. Citing your information sources lends credibility to your work by showing evidence of your research.
  3. Citing your information sources demonstrates the authenticity of your information in that it shows how you have added to the conversation.
  4. Citing your information sources enables your readers to locate your information sources, should they want to.
  5. Citing your information sources helps you avoid PLAGIARIZING.

The following resources are tools that will help you manage your research, bibliography, and citation process.

Other Useful Citation Guides

Within the Marriott Library "How To" guides, you might find the following guides useful for managing your resaerch and bibliographies. Some of the resources are also noted to the right.

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library