Bloomberg Terminal Guide

Bloomberg provides real-time and historical pricing, indicative and fundamental data, charts and graphs on various topics, customized analytic, company and industry news, economic data, statistics, and estimates.

Where is Bloomberg and How Do I Get On?

Where are the Bloomberg Terminals?

The College of Business subscribed to  a number of Bloomberg terminals. All can be found in two research Labs located on the first floor in SFE building, room 1140, and The second research Lab is located on the 3rd floor in Leadership Luncheon with two additional Bloomberg workstations. The Marriott Library has one terminal and It can be found on level2 behind the knowledge Commons by Scanning and Media statations.



Logging In: To log in, press the red CONN DEFAULT key on the upper right hand corner of the keyboard.

Use the red CANCEL key to start over.

Yellow Market Sector Keys

CMDTY < f9>: Commodities, futures, options, spot rates
CORP < f3>: Corporate Debt
CRNCY < f11 >: Spots, futures, options on over 100 currencies
EQUITY < f8>: ADRs, mutual funds, rights, stocks, options, warrants
GOVT < f2>: Worldwide sovereign and agency securities
INDEX < f10>: World financial markets, economic indices.
M-MKT < f5>: Continuously issued and short-term dated paper
MTGE < f4>: Mortgage-backed security pass-throughs
MUNI < f6>: U.S. municipality issued debt


Green Action Keys

GO: Activates all commands
MENU: Go back one level
PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN: Navigate between pages
HELP: Press once to get information about the screen you are on. Press twice to contact the Bloomberg Help Desk.

You can type CHEAT to get to the cheat sheets to help with searching.

Note: In the online and printed help documentation, Bloomberg refers to particular keys on the keyboard by putting them in angle brackets: < equity>  . Whenever you see a command in angle brackets, press that particular key.

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library