EndNote Desktop

This tutorial will walk you through using the latest desktop version of EndNote.

3 Rules for CWYW with EndNote and in Word

Three rules for EndNote and CWYW in Word

1) Open EndNote first, then Word. 
2) Turn off  "Track changes" in Word
3) Both EndNote Desktop and Word must be locally installed on computer. (Neither program can be working from the Cloud or a networked drive.)
Note:  Word must also be locally  installed on computer when working with EndNote Online or EndNote Basic.

Create In‐text Citations and a Bibliography

METHOD 1 – Insert Selected Citation

  1. In EndNote highlight the reference that is to be cited.
  2. In Word , place cursor in the text where you want to add the in‐text citation
    1. From the ribbon menu, select EndNote 21 tab
  3. Use the Insert Citation pull‐down menu and select Insert Selected Citation(s)
  4. The in‐text citations display in the selected output style format
  5. At end of the paper, the reference(s) display for in‐text citation(s) in correct order specific to output style selected.

METHOD 2 –Insert Citation with Find & Insert My Citation

  1. In  Word , place cursor in document where you want to add the in‐text citation
    1. Click EndNote 21 in ribbon, click Insert Citation
    2. Select  Insert My Citation, enter a term/phrase in the search box;
      1. click Find
      2. Highlight the needed citation
      3. Click Insert
        1. Use Insert pull‐down menu to select Insert & Exclude Author/Year/More
        2. The in‐text citations display in the selected output style format
        3. At end of the paper, the reference(s) display for in‐text citation(s) in correct order specific to output style selected.

Screenshot showing the Find & Insert My References window, annotating the "find" button and "insert" button drop-down to display options.

METHOD 3 – Go to EndNote > Insert Citation

  1. In Word , place cursor in document where you want to add the in‐text citation
  2. Select Go to EndNote
    1. Highlight the reference(s) in your EndNote Library
    2. Use the Insert Citation icon from within EndNote
      1. The in‐text citations display in the selected output style format
      2. At end of the paper, the reference(s) display for in‐text citation(s) in correct order specific to output style selected.

Screenshot showing the EndNote 21 ribbon in word and annotating the location of the "Go to EndNote" icon in the "citations" section on the far left of the ribbon.Screenshot of the EndNote 21 Destop interface with the "tools" menu expanded and annotating the location of the "Cite While You Write" and "Insert selected citations" options.

Method 4 – Copy and Paste

  1. In EndNote Library highlight the reference(s) of interest
    1. Select Edit > Copy or  use CTRL + C  (Mac: use CMD C)
    2. If multiple references are highlighted, only one
  2. In  Word , place cursor in document where you want to add the in‐text citation
    1. Paste or use  CTRL + V (Mac: use CMD V)
      1. The in‐text citations display in the selected output style format
      2. At end of the paper, the reference(s) display for in‐text citation(s) in correct order specific to output style selected.

METHOD 5 – Drag and Drop works nicely with large or dual monitors

  1. With both EndNote and Word windows visible on monitor(s)
    1. In EndNote Library highlight the reference(s) of interest
    2. Click, hold and drag to appropriate place in Word document and release
      1. The in‐text citations display in the selected output style format
      2. At end of the paper, the reference(s) display for in‐text citation(s) in correct order specific to output style selected

CWYW add-in guide (Clarivate)

EndNote 21 and Google Docs CWYW

EndNote Cite While You Write (CWYW) now integrates with Google Docs with you EndNote 21 Web account.

Output Style

To change an output style:
  1. In Word  from the EndNote 21 tab,
    1.  use the  Output Style pull‐down menu to select a different style
    2. Note:  If another style is needed, add the style in EndNote with the Output Style Manager under Edit

Screenshot showing the EndNote 21 ribbon in word highligting the "Style" drop-down menu located in the "Bibliography" section in the middle of the ribbon

Add more Output Styles in EndNote 21:
  •     Click Tools > Output Styles > Open Style Manager
Screenshot of the "tools" menu in EndNote 21, highlighting the "output styles" menu and "open style manager" option
  •     Check the box next to style or styles you want to use
  •     Close EndNote Styles window
Screenshot of the EndNote syle manager highlighting the boxes to check to add styles to the style options in Cite While You Write
    If style not listed, click on "Get More on the Web..." opens Download Output styles
  • Installing Individual Styles from the Web at  Download Output styles
    • Download the style you want to install
    • Double-click the style file.  It should open in EndNote.
    • In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”.  Replace the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”.
    • Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.

Remove EndNote Field Codes in Word -Make Plain Text copy

Field Codes

Cite While You Write places field codes around and inside formatted citations in Word. These hidden codes allow EndNote to format, unformat, and reformat citations within Word. EndNote recommends you do NOT view field codes in Word.  

Take precautions before using Cite While You Write: make copies of your Word document before sharing or opening those files in other word processors or another version of Word. If a formatted document is opened and saved with an incompatible word processor, the formatted EndNote citations and bibliography lose their field codes. When this happens, EndNote cannot reformat the document.

Remove Field Codes:

Before submitting a paper to a publisher, you may be asked to remove the field codes. Or remove field codes for group editing of your manuscript to avoid a corrupted document. Removing field codes deletes Word’s Cite While You Write field codes and saves the formatted citations and bibliography as text with all Word field codes.

Note: Because EndNote and Cite While You Write cannot reformat or unformat your paper once field codes are removed, the remove field codes utility makes a copy of your document without codes.

Process to remove (EndNote) field codes and convert:document to Word text:
  1. In Word menu,  in the EndNote 21 ribbon tab,
    1. go to Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Plain Text
    2. EndNote explains it will save a copy of document without EndNote codes.  Click OK.
    3. As a result of doing this conversion to plain text you have two files:
      1. A formatted copy of the paper with EndNote codes
      2. A copy of the document without EndNote codes to be saved for team revisions or  submitted to the publisher if required.

Screenshot of the EndNote 21 ribbon in word, highlighting the location of the convert citations and bibliography drop-down and "convert to plain text" option, located in the "bibliography" section in the middle of the ribbon.

Trouble removing field codes?  Instructions for manually removing EndNote Field Codes.

Create an Annotated Bibliography

  1. Write your annotations in the "Research Notes" field for each citation in EndNote.
  2. Edit the Annotated Output Style to append the "Research Notes" field.
    1. Edit > Output Styles > Edit "Annotated"
    2. Under Bibliography, choose Layout
    3. In the second box "End each reference with" replace "Abstract" with "Research Notes"
    4. When you close the box, it will ask you to save the new Output Style as "Annotated copy"
  3. Set Annotated copy as your new Output Style.
  4. Highlight the citations you want and right click > Copy Formatted.
  5. Open Word and paste.
Bonus: Change your display in EndNote to see which references you have made comments on!
  1. Go to Preferences > Display Fields.
  2. Change the dropdown for “Column 10” to Research Notes

To create a bibliography of citations:

  1. Select Output style in EndNote Desktop for bibliography
  2. Highlight citations you want and right click > Copy Formatted.
  3. Open Word and paste.


CWYW Hints

HINTS when using Cite While You Write

  1. Add multiple references:
    1. Use the control /click in EndNote to select multiple references to cite more than one reference at a time. The in‐text citations and bibliography adjust accordingly.
  2. Instant Formatting can be turned on or off.
    1. Instant Formatting works while you write your paper. As you insert citations, EndNote uses the currently selected style to format citations and update the bibliography. By default, Instant Formatting is enabled.
    2. In Word in the EndNote 20 tab, select "Instant Formatting" to Off or On.
  3. Use Edit & Manage Citation(s) to edit an in‐text citation
    1. In Word, highlight the in‐text citation
      1. Right click on the in‐text citation
      2. Select Edit Citation(s)
      3. Select Exclude Author or Exclude Year or More …
        1. Clicking on More allows for additional options such as Add a Prefix, Suffix or Pages
      4. Another way to edit an in‐text citation is to use the Edit and Manage Citation(s) in the Citations Group
        1. Highlight in‐text citation
        2. Click Edit & Manage Citation(s)
        3. Use the Edit & Manage Citation(s) window to make choices
        4. Click OK
  4. In‐text Citations‐‐Corporate Author: Adjust Corporate name abbreviation after first occurrence:

•             For example: American Physical Therapy Association

•             In Word, right click on the citation to be edited;  go to Edit Citation

•             Select option to Exclude Author; then enter abbreviation (APTA) in the Prefix field

•             Click OK. This needs to be done for each occurrence in the document

NOTE: In the EndNote record, when entering corporate authors, put a comma after the name. For example:

  • American Medical Association,
  • American Nurses Association,
  • Centers for Disease Control,

The comma at the end of the corporate author name ensures the name displays correctly in the reference list at the end of the paper. Use the Preview tab in the Reference/Preview panel to check author formatting before inserting the citation into the paper.

  1. Field Codes

    Cite While You Write places field codes around and inside formatted citations in Word. These hidden codes allow EndNote to format, unformat, and reformat citations within Word. EndNote recommends you do NOT view field codes in Word.  

    Take precautions before using Cite While You Write: make copies of your Word document before sharing or opening those files in other word processors or another version of Word. If a formatted document is opened and saved with an incompatible word processor, the formatted EndNote citations and bibliography lose their field codes. When this happens, EndNote cannot reformat the document.

    Remove Field Codes:

    Before submitting a paper to a publisher, you may be asked to remove the field codes. Or remove field codes for group editing of your manuscript to avoid a corrupted document. Removing field codes deletes Word’s Cite While You Write field codes and saves the formatted citations and bibliography as text with all Word field codes.

    Note: Because EndNote and Cite While You Write cannot reformat or unformat your paper once field codes are removed, the remove field codes utility makes a copy of your document without codes.

    Process to remove (EndNote) field codes and convert:document to Word text:
    1. In Word menu,  in the EndNote 21 ribbon tab,
      1. go to Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Plain Text
      2. EndNote explains it will save a copy of document without EndNote codes.  Click OK.
      3. As a result of doing this conversion to plain text you have two files:
        1. A formatted copy of the paper with EndNote codes
    2. A copy of the document without EndNote codes to be saved for team revisions or  submitted to the publisher if required.

Screenshot of the EndNote 21 ribbon in word, highlighting the location of the convert citations and bibliography drop-down and "convert to plain text" option, located in the "bibliography" section in the middle of the ribbon.

Trouble removing field codes?  Instructions for manually removing EndNote Field Codes.

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