When you want to access any of the library's materials, especially if they are electronic (like e-books, articles from magazines or journals, or streaming media), you will need to LOG IN with your uNID. You will want to do this first to avoid problems later on in your search.
Below, step #1 gives you the URL to the library and step #2 shows you where to log in.
USearch is the library catalog. It tells you ALL of the items we have physically in all of our libraries, as well as many but not all of our electronic resources. You may have to use the tab for "Research Databases" to discover more electronic items like articles from magazines, newspapers, and journals, as well as use some of our streaming media databases.
USearch is a good place to begin searching for information and research, but it can feel overwhelming. If you get confused or need help, please don't hesitate to ask the library for help in the Knowledge Commons or use the chat/telephone number to the left to get help.
The University of Utah Libraries pay for access to approx. 450 research databases. These databases mostly cover specific subjects or disciplines.
To find the databases that will help you most for your subject, click on "Browse Database by Subject" and read the summaries of each one to see which one will help you the most.
To find databases by type--like encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.--click on "Browse database by Type."
Use the alphabetical listing to discover databases according to their summaries. Many find Academic Search Premier to be the best place to begin to find articles because the database is general or multi-disciplinary, which means that you can hear people talking about your topic from all kinds of academic and professional fields of work.
Interlibrary loan is a way for you to get materials that the library doesn't have physically or electronically. It will take a little bit of time to learn how to use the system, but it is totally worth it! You NEVER have to pay for materials! For most electronic materials, it often only takes a few days or less to get the items delivered to you. Physical items will take longer, so make sure you plan your time accordingly.
You can find items on Google, Google scholar, in a list of references, or really anywhere! If you find anything you'd like for us to get for you, regardless of where you find a reference to it, we will get it for you!!
You can access interlibrary loan from the home page of the Marriott Library OR in many of our research databases there is a link for interlibrary loan next to each item.
On the library website:
Example of in a research database: