Communication: COMM 5620 International

Keyword & Searching Help

Samples of keyword searches
(note: edit and choose your own! OR change to a different database and try them)

news OR newspapers OR "television news" OR television OR newscast
taliban OR afghanistan

"social media" OR facebook OR tiktok OR instagram
k-pop OR kpop OR k-drama

also Try these keywords :
debate OR opinion OR rhetoric OR argument OR discourse

culture OR community OR values OR identity

Interlibrary Loan

How do I get full text for free?

Watch this mercifully short video on
Inter Library Loan
(and as always, e-mail for help)

Criteria and Standards

International Organizations that Foster Communication

World Health Organization 
United Nations 
World Bank
International Committee of the Red Cross


When researching, consider culture, values, beliefs, populations and community identity: can be defined as a group of people

Who have a sense of common purpose(s) and/or interest(s) for which they assume mutual responsibility,

Who acknowledge their interconnectedness,

Who respect the individual differences among members,

Who commit themselves to the well-being of each other and the integrity and well-being of the group.

Wood, G. S., Jr., & Judikis, J. C. (2002). Conversations on community theory.

     West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press (page 12).

What's the point of an academic library?

images from Google Reviews of coffee shops around the worldImages of coffee shops from around the world that appear in Google Reviews. Afghanistan: The Wood Cafe, Mexico City: Almanegra Cafe, Ghana: Vida e Caffe, Chile: Oh Some Coffee (Jan, 2025).

Library research for international communication is a wide open topic!

The more I read about international communication, the more I realize it has been a part of my entire life -mostly in cultural media; like music, films and television.  These days it seems shocking when we don't  hear about something happening in the world.

If you freeze when asked to find news about some place in the world -let regional news be your guide to what matters:
news:dar es salaam
news:ho chi minh city

experimental recipe for international scholarly research

Where are the best places to do research at the library?

Trends, Ideas, Keywords, General Searching
Library Catalog (everything -highly recommended)
Academic Search Ultimate (A big mash of many disciplines)

Communication & Mass Media Complete
Film and Television Literature Index
Modern Language Association (MLA) International Bibliography

Sociological Abstracts (One of Dale's fav's: societies, cultures, values identities)
PsycINFO (psychology, but with many applications in social sciences)

CINAHL (medical policy, procedure, intervention)

PAIS (public policy from around the world)
Engineering Village (a lot of international comm, you'd be surprised)

Advanced -sort by # of times cited video -how do I use these again?
Web of Science 

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Dale Larsen

I love to help with your research: from just seeing the assignment, to wrapping up with citation management -drop me a line or come by 1726C on the first floor of the Marriott Library

Send me an e-mail -I'd love to hear from you!


In the context of international communication…

Students will learn to effectively and efficiently use an academic library website in cooperation with open web and AI sites

Students will learn library resource and keyword search strategies for academic research

Students will learn the main ideas and framework of a scholarly article, how to find them at an academic library, and how to quickly interpret the main points each article makes

More fun!

Read about the Gutenberg Press and how it helped grow the witch panic in Europe and early colonial America
Doten-Snitker, K., Pfaff, S., & Hsiao, Y. (2024). Ideational diffusion and the great witch hunt in Central Europe. Theory and Society53(6), 1291–1319.

Action for Cheetahs in Kenya
A citizen of the United States working with an NGO, partners worldwide, populations and political stakeholders in East Africa -what would you do to analyze and implement a communication plan for this group?

Did you actually read this far!?
In class, one of the groups talked about Denmark, and I joked about Licorice flavored beer -apparently, domestic beer producers drive through the streets passing these out for free at holiday times!

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