Communication: COMM 2050 Kickstart!

Keyword & Searching Help

Interlibrary Loan

How do I get full text for free?

Watch this mercifully short video on
Inter Library Loan
(and as always, e-mail for help)

Criteria and Standards

Moviecritic, C. T. (2021, February 2). Movie review: Ratatouille (2007). Movies Meet Their Match.

What do the rating-stars represent on the late Chef Gusteau's sign?
Here's criteria for any information -what are our standards?
Author (does it matter who they are?)
Editor (does the information represent a larger group or organization?)

Date (how new is the information?)

Purpose (why does this information exist? to sell, provoke, mislead -or inform?)

What's the point of an academic library?

O’Donnell, E. (2022, January 23). Patton Oswalt jokes about Ratatouille’s biggest plot hole. ScreenRant. (How did I get this citation?)

Academic libraries foster research and creative works with students, staff and faculty!

Resources licensed and purchased for over 100 years that you can have free access to

No AI or smart guided searching -what you search for with your keywords determines what you'll find

academic freedom: in higher education, we objectively research everything without fear of recrimination

Consultation and training available ALL the time

A safe (and big!) space to hang out, study, or just be

Where are the best places to do research at the library?

Trends, Ideas, Keywords, General Searching
Library Catalog (everything -highly recommended)
Academic Search Ultimate (A big mash of many disciplines)
CQ Researcher (What is important to U.S. voters right now)
Roper iPoll (Comm Faculty Recommend!)
US Newsstream (most U.S. newspapers -including Utah!)
Google Trends 

Scholarly/Academic Research

Social Science Premium Collection
Communication & Mass Media Complete

PsycINFO (psychology, but with many applications in social sciences)
Business Source Premier (business)

STEM Disciplines
Engineering Village
Biological Science Collection 
CINAHL (nursing -medical policy, procedure, intervention)

America: History and Life
Art Full Text 
Film and Television Literature Index
Modern Language Association (MLA) International Bibliography

Advanced -sort by # of times cited
Web of Science 

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Dale Larsen

I love to help with your research: from just seeing the assignment, to wrapping up with citation management -drop me a line or come by 1726C on the first floor of the Marriott Library

Send me an e-mail -I'd love to hear from you!


Students will learn:

How an academic library works

Criteria and standards for research and work in higher education (what scholarly & academic & peer review mean)

The idea of a scholarly conversation that even undergraduate students are a part of

Basic library search strategies

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library