Ethnic Studies

A guide with resources and tips for doing research in Ethnic Studies

The Ethnic Studies program at the University of Utah explores differences in power as expressed by the state, civil society, and individuals, challenging social constructions of race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality and gender. Students examine traditional forms of history and culture from the perspective of people who are underrepresented, while considering the role that race and racism play in today’s world. The curriculum includes required courses in ethnic studies experiences and theory, as well as electives from five different content groups: African American, American Indian, Asian Pacific American, Chicana/o, or general ethnic studies. Through your coursework, you will learn to conceptualize socio-historical and political issues from the viewpoints of the various peoples that constitute U.S. diverse populations, using various disciplinary frameworks to do so. You can then apply this framework to current issues of race, gender and ethnicity. This degree will ultimately prepare students for careers in private and public organizations and agencies, working with historically underserved populations.

Background Sources

These are general resources for Ethnic Studies; if you want more specific information in one of the subdisciplines, please consult those subject guides.

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