
Resources geared toward the research, creative, and training needs of game developers.

Contribute Games to the Institutional Repository

The Marriott Library archives, preserves, and provides access to student-created scholarship in the institutional repository, called USpace.

Games students can contribute their wrap kits, game posters, or anything related to their thesis game using this online form.

Additionally, students may include the following document, which includes author provided descriptions and metadata for the game. This optional document would help library employees to better describe your game so others can locate it.

EAE Archive

Please send suggestions and corrections using the "Update Item Information" within the EAE Archive.

History of the EAE Archive

In 2018, the Marriott Library received a national grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to create archival processes for EAE's thesis games. Email the PIs to learn more or get in touch.

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library