Newspapers as a research tool

An introduction to using newspapers for research at the Marriott Library.

How do I read my paper if its on microform?

Fun with newspapers

Common questions about newspapers

​Why use newspapers?

  • In-depth coverage of a particular country, state or city
  • Reporting on activities of state and local government
  • Eyewitness accounts of events
  • Editorial analysis of news and events
  • Up-to-date coverage of breaking news
  • Obituaries and other information of interest to genealogists

Why use newspaper databases?

Most newspapers today have a website with current news, and most make it possible to search their archives of older issues. However, the Marriott Library subscribes to a number of newspaper databases that offer advantages over searching newspapers directly on the Web:

  • Search more than one newspaper at the same time
  • Powerful keyword search engines
  • Deep historic news archives
  • Access to content that costs money on the Web
  • Find newspapers from a specific region or country

Why use newspaper websites?

  • Breaking news stories
  • Extra content such as blogs, info-graphics, videos, etc.
  • Access to newspapers that aren't in Marriott Library databases

Newspapers' role and importance

Newspapers on campus

In addition to the Daily Utah Chronicle, several local and national daily papers are available for free to students Monday through Friday during the school year as part of the ASUU-sponsored Collegiate Readership Program, in boxes scattered around the campus.  At the west entrance of the Marriott Library you can pick up:

  • The Salt Lake Tribune
  • Deseret News
  • The New York Times
  • USA Today

​Recent back issues (the last month or so) of those same four papers can be found with the current periodicals, on the east side of the elevator lobby on Level 2 of the Marriott Library.  Older issues of these newspapers (and others) can be found online (through one of our databases) or on microfilm.

For assistance

Profile Photo
Robert Behra
Cataloging Specialist, Collection Management
J. Willard Marriott Library
The University of Utah
295 S 1500 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library