Industry Standards & Codes (ASTM, Fire, IEEE, ISO)

Learn about how to access industry standards and codes through the Marriott Library

Step 1: Find relevant standard numbers

We recommend you search across multiple industry standard publishers via the Accuris Store.

Step 2: Access full-text standard via library

We offer standards online and/or in print:

Still can't find the full-text standard? Request standards via Marriott Library's Interlibrary Loan or Eccles Library's Interlibrary Loan (health sciences) for free. Law students and employees should email the SHEM team listserv

If you need it immediately, contact the SHEM team listserv; we may be able to purchase the standard for you (this service is only available for current U of U faculty, staff, or students).

For instructors: Request for course reserves

If you are a U of U instructor in need of a standard for students to use for your course, please contact the SHEM team.

Librarian Contact Information

Contact the SHEM team listserv or subject librarians:

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library