Patents and Trademarks

This guide features our Patent and Trademark Resource Center's (PTRC) resources and services.

Patent & Trademark Resource Centers

PTRC logo

The University of Utah Marriott Library is one of 90+ U.S. Patent and Trademark Resource Centers (PTRCs) in the country, and one of two in the state of Utah. We celebrate our 40th anniversary as a PTRC this September.

PTRC representatives are information experts trained on how to use search tools to access patent and trademark information. PTRC representatives are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice.

PTRC library representatives can:

  • Provide access to resources such as Patent Public Search and Trademark Search
  • Direct you to information and explain the application process and fee schedule
  • Demonstrate how to use search tools to conduct a patent or trademark search
  • Show you a directory of local patent attorneys who are licensed to practice before the USPTO
  • Offer classes on intellectual property
  • Offer assistance on how to do historical research on patents and trademarks
  • Show you how to track current research by company or nonprofit
  • Help you find assignee information and much more.

Save the Dates: Sept 24-25, 2024

Save the date for two great events in September 2024:

Tuesday, September 24, 1-5pm, Patent & Trademark Resource Center's 40th Anniversary Celebration at the Marriott Library (registration optional)

  • 1-2:30pm: 40th Anniversary Cake with Remarks by Kathi Vidal, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO, Gould Auditorium
  • 2:45-3:45 pm: USPTO concurrent workshops, such as IP Basics, Patent Searching, & Trademark Searching, Marriott Library classrooms
  • 4:00-5:00 pm: USPTO concurrent workshops on specific topics, such as life sciences & medical devices; outdoor recreation, sports, & clothing design; games, fintech, & AI; art & fashion in Marriott Library classrooms

Wednesday, September 25, 8am-4:15pm, China IP Road Show at the S.J. Quinney College of Law, 6th floor (registration required, CLE credit offered, lunch included)

History of the Marriott Library's PTRC

Our first PDL (Patent Depository Library) representative was Juli Hinz, Documents Division Head. In 1987, Dave Morrison became our PDL representative for the next 30 years. During this time, the PDLs were renamed as Patent and Trademark Resource Centers (PTRCs). In 2017, Dave Morrison retired and was made Emeritus Librarian and  continues to provide assistance with patent and trademark searching with Alfred Mowdood, current PTRC representative, by request.  In fall 2018, Tallie Casucci also started providing assistance. As a result of our designation as a PTRC, the Marriott Library receives and offers extensive training in patent and trademark research assistance.

Our collections of U.S. government publications include complete U.S. patents -- on microfilm, optical disks and the Internet -- from 1790 to the present, and all federal trademarks that are registered or pending. Our collections contain additional indexes and finding aids for both patents and trademarks. PTRC publications and documents and their reference materials may be found in print or online using the University Libraries USearch catalog- some materials may be found in the  the Automated Retrieval Center (ARC);  in Special Collections (Level 4); or on the  U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website.

U.S. copyrights are managed by the U.S. Copyright Office in the Library of Congress.  Their web pages -- and especially the most general publication, Circular 1, Copyright Basics -- offer valuable information on this third form of Intellectual Property (IP).


U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Copyright Office, Library of Congress

     Circular 1, Copyright Basics


Alfred Mowdood,  Representative, Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC). Special Thanks to Dave Morrison for creating this guide and numerous presentations for 30 years. 

PTRC Representative

Profile Photo
Alfred Mowdood
The University of Utah
J. Willard Marriott Library
Head of Faculty Services,
Representative, Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC), Adjunct Professor in Parks, Recreation, & Tourism, and
Adjunct Assistant Professor in Kinesiology
295 South 1500 East #2110 R
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860
(801) 585-7125

Pronouns: he/him/his
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library