Moving Image & Sound Archive: About

Specializing in unique moving image and sound collections from Utah and the West

About the Moving Image & Sound Archive

The Moving Image & Sound Archive is part of the Marriott Library's Special Collections Department.  We collect and preserve unique video and audio recordings that document the history of Utah and the West so that present and future scholars can hear the voices of the past and see historic scenes and artistic visions come to life. Originally recorded on a wide array of modern and historic formats, these materials are steadily being digitized so that students, faculty, staff, and community users can access them for primary source research and personal enrichment.

The Moving Image & Sound Archive is open to everyone.  Although some materials are temporarily unavailable because they are still stored on their original, analog formats, many are accessible from home.  New content is added to the Digital Library on a regular basis.  View and listen to our content there or search our collection guides and contact an archivist to request audio or video that hasn't been uploaded yet.

Online Resources

The effort to add moving image and sound collections to the Digital Library is ongoing, and new content is added all the time.  However, the Moving Image & Sound Archive contains thousands of items not yet steaming online, many of which are digitized and available upon request.  Explore our collection guides or contact us with a research question!

Moving Image & Sound Collections streaming to Campus Computers

Because of copyright considerations, these collections only stream to computers on the University of Utah campus with a hardwired internet connection (not over the wireless network).  Access these collections at home by requesting a personal research copy from one of our archivists.

Moving Image & Sound Collections streaming to the Special Collections Reading Room

Because of copyright considerations, these collections only stream to the Reading Room on Level 4 of the Marriott Library.  Access these collections at home by requesting a personal research copy from one of our archivists.

Contact Us

For more information about the Moving Image & Sound Archive or access to our collections, please don't hesitate to contact us directly or fill out the Special Collections Feedback Form.

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library