Technical Reports: Academic Technical Reports

Technical reports are reports from academic departments, government agencies and corporations that describe projects, research and activities of the organization.

Academic Technical Report Servers

You can usually find academic techinical reports on the website of the department or research institute that produced the report.

The following search engines are also useful to find academic technical reports:

Academic Technical Reports in the Marriott Library Catalog

Academic Technical Reports

These are typcially treated as books in the library catalog.  However, sometimes the reports are cataloged as a series and the individual titles aren't listed separately in the catalog.

Computer Science Department Technical Reports

The Marriott Library has a large collection of historic Computer Science technical reports dating from the 1960s-1980s. These are  listed in the library catalog by series title, not by the individual report titles:

Example: Journal/Newspaper Title Keyword: "Technical Report" and [the name of the department]



Subject Specialist

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Shane Wallace
J.W. Marriott Library
Office Hours:
By appointment
Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library