eBook User Guide: HathiTrust
What is Hathitrust?
HathiTrust is large-scale collaborative repository of digital content from research libraries which includes content digitized via the Google Books project and Internet Archive digitization initiatives, as well as content digitized locally by libraries. There are more than 60 partners in HathiTrust (including the University of Utah), and membership is open to institutions worldwide. Hathitrust contains over 5,300,000 books and over 10,000,000 documents. HathiTrust works in the public domain are open to all researchers, while other HathiTrust content is available to partner institutions on a limited bases. Some items in HathiTrust are search-only, meaning that while copyright prevents them from being displayed in full they can still be searched for normally. Content in HathiTrust is discoverable by search from within the HathiTrust website and through traditional search engines. As it becomes possible to expand access to HathiTrust's materials through new permissions or agreements, other materials will be made available.
Accessing HathiTrust Content
The process of accessing content in HathiTrust is very similar to other databases, with a few minor differences. HathiTrust uses an authentication system known as Shibboleth, which allows you to sign in with your University of Utah credentials rather than making a seperate user account for their website.
Above you can see the HathiTrust home screen. From here you can search for a book or browse their collection. Once you find a book you want to read (or if you access a HathiTrust book through the catalog) you will be taken to the following screen.
If a book is not readable, it will show up in HathiTrust's catalog as being 'search-only'. Keep in mind that not all books in HathiTrust can be opened due to copyright issues. Above is an open HathiTrust book. Notice that at the top right there is now a link to log in. Once you click that link, you will be taken to the following screen.
This is the screen you use to log in. Select the University of Utah from the drop-down menu under 'HathiTrust Partner Institutions' if it is not already selected, and then click 'Login'. You will then be redirected to our campus login page, which is shown below.
Enter your uNID and password on this screen, just as you would for any other service on campus that requires authentication. Once you've logged in, you will see the following message pop up on your screen as you are redirected back to HathiTrust:
Once you are back to HathiTrust, you will be recognized by your uNID and will be able to access all the subscriber features of HathiTrust, including downloads for their ebooks.
Guide Author

J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah