Student Affairs in Higher Education

Marriott Library Journals

The journals listed here will be very helpful for your scholarly research. You can discover these journals in the Marriott Library by going to Usearch, the Library Catalog, and typing  the journal's title in the search box. TIP: Checking the print volumes as well as the online subscription will provide more comprehensive information about the volumes in the library. The subscriptions may not overlap. You can check by using the "View Resource" link or the "Locations & Request" link which ever is present.

Need more suggestions??  Use the Library Catalog to identify additional scholarly (print or online) journals by following this process:

  1. Type in the name of the journal in the search box.
  2. Limit the results to Journals (on the sidebar at the left).
  3. Once identified as being in the library, check to see if the journal volume is available online. Note: Not all online journals include every volume that has been published.
  4. If the journal is available onlie, click on the link which will take you out of the library (this is the "View Resource" link).
  5. If the journal volume is not available online, click the "Locations &  Request" link, then the "ARC Click Request" to see if the Marriott Library has the volume in print. You will need to be logged into your "My Account" in Usearch.

Using the library catalog to find an article within a journal. So you've discovered a great article, but the article database only provides you with the information to find the article, not the full text of the article. To remind you how to use Usearch, the library catalog to learn whether or not you can find the journal that the article appears in, follow the process outlined above. NEW:  you will find some related articles by using the library catalog; keep in mind that the best method to access articles on your subject is to use the Article Databases for Education.

Selected Journals on Student Affairs

If you are using these journals off-campus, you will  need to authenticate with your UU UNID and password.

College Student Journal

Community college journal of research and practice

Journal of student affairs research and practice

NASPA journal about women in higher education

Journal of college and character

Journal of college student development

Student affairs leader

Selected Scholarly Education Journals:

American Educational Research Journal

ASHE higher education report

Chronicle of Higher Education

College Teaching

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Educause Review

Educational Researcher

Harvard Educational Review

Higher education

Higher Education Perspectives

Higher education quarterly

Higher education research and development

Innovative higher education

Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics

Journal of College and University Law

Journal of Educational Research

Journal of Higher Education

Journal of Hispanic Higher Education

Planning for Higher Education

Journal of Negro Education

New Directions for Higher Education

Research in Higher Education

Review of Educational Research

Review of Research in Higher Education

Sociology of Education

Teachers College Record

Yearbook of Education Law; Annual publication which routinely includes a chapter on higher education law.

Marriott Library Eccles Library Quinney Law Library