Student Affairs in Higher Education

Full-Text Access from Off-Campus

To secure access to subscription resources at the Marriott Library such as full-text articles or online books, please use your UNID and password. I suggest that you download the campus VPN to your home computer. Click for instructions for the downloading the VPN.

Find Multimedia

DVDs, CDs, and More

Multimedia resources owned by the Marriott Library are listed in Usearch, the Library Catalog. To find these resources use the "Advanced Keyword" search mode and use the "Format" box under the heading "Limits" to limit your search appropriately.

For example: To find a DVD on the subject of child development, in the "Advanced Keyword" search mode, enter "child development," as a general keyword search or a subject keyword search, limiting your search to Video, DVD, Film.

If you are looking for a specific DVD, in the "Advanced Keyword" search mode, enter the title of the item as a title keyword search, limiting your search to Video, DVD, Film.

New Reports

The United States Education Dashboard: President Obama has established a goal that, by 2020, the United States will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world. Meeting this goal is vital to our long-term economic security and to preparing young people and adults to be active citizens.

The Dashboard presents indicators in 4 areas that are critical to improving educational results and achieving the President's 2020 college attainment goal.

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